Stanislav Atanasov |
Rational Fixed Points of Polynomial Involutions |
Mentor: Kestutis Cesnavicius |
Megan Belzner |
Emptying Sets: The Cookie Monster Problem |
Mentor: Wuttisak Trongsiriwat |
Rebecca Chen |
A Computational Analysis of Triangle Subdivision |
Mentor: Wenzhe Wei |
Sitan Chen |
On the Rank Number of Grid Graphs |
Mentor: Jesse Geneson |
Sidharth Dhawan |
Complexity of Interlocking Polyominoes |
Mentor: Zachary Abel |
Eric Mannes |
Bounds on Monotone Switching Networks for the Matching Problem |
Mentor: Aaron Potechin |
Todor Markov |
On Extremal Degrees of Minimal Ramsey Graphs |
Mentor: Wuttisak Trongsiriwat |
Jessica Oehrlein |
Book Thickness of Graphs and their Subdivisions |
Mentor: Aaron Potechin |
Matthew Rauen |
On Strongly Multiplicative Graphs |
Mentor: Jesse Geneson |
Abraham Shin |
Analysis of Random Surfaces Representing the Motion of Strings |
Mentor: Wenzhe Wei |
Adam H. Su |
Rank-Generating Functions for the Distributive Lattice of Order Ideals for Comb Posets |
Mentor: Benjamin Iriarte |
Zacharias Tsampasidis |
Non-divisibility of Binomial coefficients with a Given Set of Primes |
Mentor: Kestutis Cesnavicius |
Rohit Agrawal |
Avoiding Paradoxes in Positional Voting Systems |
Mentor: Gregory Minton |
Wenyu Cao |
Expander Graphs, Eigenvalues, and Four-Cycles |
Mentor: Rosalie Belanger-Rioux |
Aubrey Faust |
Orbits of Lower Triangular Matrices under Braid Group Transformations |
Mentor: Ailsa Keating |
Christopher Guthrie |
Tropical Oriented Matroids and Subdivisions of Products of Simplices |
Mentor: Kartik Venkatram |
Kevin Hu |
Enumerating Multiplicity-Free Labeled Floor Diagrams for Rational Curves |
Mentor: John Lesieutre |
Randy Jia |
Simple Connectedness of Some Flip Complexes |
Mentor: John Lesieutre |
Matthew Kilgore |
A New Look at the Unknotting Question |
Mentor: Ailsa Keating |
Brian Kim |
Polynomials and 2-adic Analogues of the Collatz Problem |
Mentor: John Ullman |
Benjamin Kraft |
Entries of Random Matrices |
Mentor: Gregory Minton |
Styliani Pantela |
On Prime Factors of Fibonacci Numbers |
Mentor: Wang Lu |
Rafael Rafailov |
The Hausdorff Dimension of Cycles Generated by Degree d Maps |
Mentor: Fang Wang |
David Ye |
Generalization of a Coin-Weighing Problem |
Mentor: John Ullman |
Leon Zhang |
On Alternative Error Indicators for an Adaptive Newton's Method |
Mentor: Rosalie Belanger-Rioux |
Anirudha Balasubramanian |
On the Lower Central Series Quotients of a Graded Associative Algebra |
Mentor: Martina Balagović |
Martin Camacho |
Lattice Representations and Linear Extensions of Series-Parallel and (m + n) - free Posets. |
Mentor: Yan Zhang |
Jonathan Hung |
The Kummer congruence for Hurwitz numbers |
Mentor: Jennifer French |
Jacob Hurwitz |
Decycling Density of Tessellations |
Mentor: Nan Li |
Tian-Yi (Damien) Jiang |
On the Period Lengths of the Parallel Chip-Firing Game |
Mentor: Yan Zhang |
George Kerchev |
On the Filtration of the Free Algebra by Ideals Generated by its Lower Central Series. |
Mentor: Bhairav Singh |
Akhil Mathew |
A Classication of Finite-Dimensional Simple Objects in the Generic Deligne Category of the Degenerate Affine Hecke Algebra. |
Mentor: Dustin Clausen |
Dimitrios Pagonakis |
An Improved Lower Bound on Moser's Worm Problem |
Mentor: Tirasan Khandhawit |
Arjun Puranik |
Finite-dimensional Irreducible Representations of Rational Cherednik Algebras Associated to the Coxeter Group H3. |
Mentor: Martina Balagovic |
Lauren Stephens |
Bounds on the Relative Sizes of Sumsets |
Mentor: Bhairav Singh |
Dennis Tseng |
Generalized Nonaveraging Integer Sequences |
Mentor: Nan Li |
Lynnelle Lin Ye |
Chomp on Graphs and Subsets |
Mentor: Tirasan Khandhawit |
Noah Arbesfeld |
On the lower central series for the free algebra with two generators |
Mentor: David Jordan |
Kristin Cordwell |
On G-Dierence: A Property of Permutations and Words |
Mentor: Joel Lewis |
Miles Edwards |
2-Sylow subgroups of ideal class groups of imaginary quadratic elds |
Mentor: Liang Xiao |
Katrina Evtimovay |
Representations of Rational Cherednik Algebras of Rank 1 and 2 |
Mentor: Emanuel Stoica |
Hyun-Sub Hwang |
Permutations with a Special Property and their Extension to Abelian Groups |
Mentor: Joel Lewis |
Eric Larson |
Fusion categories of dimension qp2 |
Mentor: David Jordan |
Paul Lee |
Modelling Salt Eect on DNA Conformations |
Mentor: Xia (Carol) Hua |
Patricia Li |
On the number of permutations with a given number of cycles and left-to-right maxima |
Mentor: Matjaz Konvalinka |
Zane Li |
On the intersection of quadric and cubic surfaces |
Mentor: Ryan Reich |
Xiao Tian Liew |
Predominant intersection vertices in spanning trees |
Mentor: Maxim Maydanskiy |
Young Wook Lyoo |
On The Linear Extensions and Interval Extensions of Poset |
Mentor: Yulan Qing |
Benjamin Mirabelli |
Finding non-degenerate critical points of the superpotential associated to a smooth Fano plytope. |
Mentor: Maxim Maydanskiy |
Dimitrios Papadimitriou |
Factorization in terms of Cyclotomic Polynomials and Algorithms for their Coecients. |
Mentor: Tathagata Sengupta |
Eliyahu Putterman |
Determination of the Rate of Convergence of the Equi-Energy Sampler |
Mentor: Xia (Carol) Hua |
Maxim Rabinovich |
On the Scaling Limit of a Generalized Divisible Sandpile Model |
Mentor: Emanuel Stoica |
David Harry Richman |
Counting diagonal matrices over finite fields |
Mentor: Tonghoon Suk |
Adam Sealfron |
Hypergraph Property Testers: The Role of Adaptivity |
Mentor: Victor Chen |
Jean Shiao |
A study on nite subgroups of multiplicative non-zero Quaternions and SO(3) groups |
Mentor: Tonghoon Suk |
Sang-Hun Song |
Imaginary quadratic elds with class groups exponent a power of 2 |
Mentor: Liang Xiao |
Galin Statev |
Fermat-Euler Dynamics |
Mentor: Tathagata Sengupta |
Daniel Vitek |
Hamiltonicity of Conguration Spaces |
Mentor: Yulan Qing |
Brent Woodhouse |
Characters of Induced Representations in Coxeter Groups |
Mentor: Matjaz Konvalinka |
Peter Zhang |
The integrability of ƒ ex2dx in elds of characteristic p |
Mentor: Ryan Reich |
Utsav Bhat |
Mathematical Model of the Single Transferable Vote Election |
Alex Churchill |
Self-Reflective Comma-Free Codes |
Alex Chen |
On the Reducible Quintic Complete Base Polynomials |
Benjamin Dozier |
Descriptive Complexity of Random Bit Strings |
Philip Hu |
On the Kakeya Conjecture in Three Dimensions |
Paul Kominers |
On Various Chip-Firing Games |
Laney Kuenzel |
Modeling Choices in the Travelers Dilemma |
Winston Luo |
Cake-Cutting with Locally Negative Preference Functions |
Ping Fung Ng |
On the Problem of Finding the 27 Tropical Lines On A Tropical Cubic Surface |
Yasin Razlik |
Counting Nodal Curves in CP2 Via Floor Diagrams |
David Rolnick |
Subspace Intersection: Multi- dimensional Representation of Graphs |
Caroline Suen |
On Search Techniques for Root-Unitary Polynomials |
Anne Ye |
Finding Rootless Matrices Using Jordan Normal Form |
Qiaochu Yuan |
Elliptic Curves as Space Quartics |
Susan Zhang |
Decomposition of Algebraic Models of Quantum Information Transference |