
  • What kind of connectivity is provided for laptops?

    Laptop users are required to use one of the MIT wireless networks. For security reasons, laptops are not permitted to plug into the wired network.

  • What will I need in order to connect?

    Users wishing to get their laptops connected to the wireless network are required to have wireless network support. At this time we are recommending people use MIT's wireless network. Once you initially connect to their wireless network, start up a web browser in order to register for continued use. More details can be found on the MITnet page .

  • What is supported?

    We will provide you with assistance in getting your laptop connected to the wireless network. This includes recommending wireless cards for purchase, installing drivers if necessary, and configuration of your laptop to access MIT's wireless network. Also, we will help you get familiar with transferring files between your laptop and Math Department servers.

    The currently supported platforms for laptops are Windows 7/8/10 as well as Mac OS 10.9 or greater. We do not provide support for Linux laptops at this time.

  • What is not supported?

    We expect that people will do the bulk of their work on Math Department workstations. For this reason, and because we have limited resources, we do not provide application support for people using laptops or workstations not provided by the department. We also do not support printing from laptops. If you need to print, please transfer your file to your Math account and print it from there.

    If you have any questions regarding laptops or laptop policy contact