2015 PRIMES Conference
Fifth Annual PRIMES Conference, May 16-17, 2015
Room 4-370 , MIT
Open to the public
Download conference posters ( 8x11 , 11x17 , or 24x36 )
See also the materials of 2011 , 2012 , 2013 , and 2014 PRIMES conferences
Saturday, May 16
8:30 am Welcoming Remarks
- Prof. Tomasz Mrowka, Head of the MIT Mathematics Department
- Prof. Pavel Etingof, PRIMES Chief Research Advisor
- Dr. Slava Gerovitch, PRIMES Program Director

9:00 am Session 1
- Varun Jain, Circular planar graphs and electrical networks (mentor Carl Lian) ( slides )
- Alok Puranik, Limitations of semidefinite programming for certifying RIP (mentor Adrian Vladu) ( slides )
- Kavish Gandhi and Noah Golowich, Analysis of Boolean functions (mentor Yufei Zhao) ( slides )

10:25 am Session 2
- Dhruv Medarametla, Bounds on the norms of locally random matrices (mentor Aaron Potechin) ( slides )
- Karan Sarkar, On modular extensions to Nim (mentor Dr. Tanya Khovanova) ( slides )
- Caleb Ji, Robin Park, and Angela Song, Combinatorial games of no strategy (mentor Dr. Tanya Khovanova) ( slides )

11:45 am Session 3
- Mehtaab Sawhney, A study of bar and arc k-visibility graphs (mentor Jonathan Weed) ( slides )
- Richard Yi, Continuous model for two-lane traffic flow (mentor Prof. Gabriele LaNave, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) ( slides )
- Daniel Guo, An infection spreading model on trees (mentor Prof. Partha Dey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) ( slides )

1:45 pm Session 4
- Girishvar Venkat, Signatures of the contravariant form on Specht modules for cyclotomic Hecke algebras (mentor Siddharth Venkatesh) ( slides )
- Samuel Rush, Signatures in representations of rational Cherednik algebras (mentor Gus Lonergan) ( slides )
- Luke Sciarappa, Algebras in representations of the symmetric group S t , when t is transcendental (mentor Nate Harman) ( slides )

3:00 pm Session 5
- Brandon Epstein, The defect angle and the relation to the Laplacian matrix (mentor Prof. Martin Rocek, SUNY at Stony Brook) ( slides )
- Rachel Zhang, Statistics of intersections of curves on surfaces (mentor Prof. Moira Chas, SUNY at Stony Brook) ( slides )
- Arthur Azvolinsky, Explicit computations of the frozen boundaries of rhombus tilings (mentor Alisa Knizel) ( slides )

4:15 pm Session 6
- Meena Jagadeesan, The exchange graphs of maximal weakly separated collections (mentor Miriam Farber) ( slides )
- Meghal Gupta, Extremal functions of forbidden matrices (mentor Jesse Geneson) ( slides )
- David Amirault, Better bounds on the rate of non-witnesses of Lucas pseudoprimes (mentor David Corwin) ( slides )

5:25 pm Session 7
- Jacob Klegar, Tiling-harmonic functions (mentor Prof. Sergiy Merenkov, CCNY-CUNY) ( slides )
- Ahaan Rungta, Mathematically modeling the motion of cells in porous media (mentor Andrew Rzeznik) ( slides )
- Nick Diaco, A new coin weighing problem and concealing information (mentor Dr. Tanya Khovanova) ( slides )

Sunday, May 17
Computer Science and Computational Biology

8:30 am Welcoming Remarks
- Prof. Srini Devadas, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Dr. Slava Gerovitch, PRIMES Program Director

8:45 am Session 8: Medical Informatics
- Mingjie Chen, Medical informatics group: An introduction ( slides )
- Ashay Athalye, Machine learning characterization and prediction of intrinsically disordered protein interactions: A focus on BRCA 1 (mentor Dr. Gil Alterovitz) ( slides )
- Arul Prasad, The significance of disordered residues in bacterial drug resistance and SNP interactions in relation to disease associations (mentor Dr. Gil Alterovitz) ( slides )
- Kara Luo, Computer simulation of biosynthetic drug modifications to improve binding activity (mentor Dr. Gil Alterovitz) ( slides )

10:00 am Session 9: Medical Informatics and Computational Biology
- Andrew Li, Exploring multi-conformational modeling and flexibility of molecular recognition features in improving drug docking (mentor Dr. Gil Alterovitz) ( slides )
- Daniel Lu, Investigating drug synergy mechanisms of disordered protein-related diseases (mentor Dr. Gil Alterovitz) ( slides )
- Laura Braverman and Betsy Pu, Genomic and epigenomic signatures of chromosomal domains (mentors Maxim Imakaev and Boryana Doyle) ( slides )

11:15 am Session 10: Computer Science
- Amy Chou and Justin Kaashoek, Automating generation of programming problems (mentor Rohit Singh) ( slides )
- Harshal Sheth and Aashish Welling, A garbage collected network stack with CSP threads (mentor Cody Cutler) ( slides )
- Gregory Barboy, Albert Gerovitch, and Andrew Gritsevskiy, Mobile health surveillance: The development of software tools for monitoring the spread of disease (mentor Dr. Natasha Markuzon, Draper Lab) ( slides )

1:30 pm Session 11: Computational Biology
- Michael Colavita, Clustering of pathogenic genes in human coregulatory network (mentor Soheil Feizi) ( slides )
- Allison Paul, The inference of directed acyclic graphs using spectral clustering (mentor Soheil Feizi) ( slides )
- Lalita Devadas, Modelling changes in gene expression using five histone modifications (mentor Angela Yen) ( slides )

2:45 pm Session 12: Computer Science
- Diana Ding and Cristian Gutu, SecretRoom: An anonymous chat client (mentor Albert Kwon) ( slides )
- Akiva Gordon and Krishna Suraj, Improving oblivious RAM protocol through novel eviction and access strategies (mentor Ling Ren) ( slides )
- Henry Liu and Ethan Zou, Time traveling in multicore processors (mentor Xiangyao Yu) ( slides )
4:15 pm Session 13: Mathematics
- Uma Roy, Infinity crystals for certain generalized quantum groups (mentor Seth Shelley-Abrahamson) ( slides )
- Niket Gowravaram, XYX Algebras (mentor Dr. Tanya Khovanova) ( slides )
- Eric Nie, Dual Schubert polynomials (mentor Pavel Galashin) ( slides )

5:25 pm Session 14: Mathematics
- Kenz Kallal, Matt Lipman, and Felix Wang, Equal compositions of rational functions (mentors Thao Thi Thu Do and Prof. Michael Zieve (University of Michigan)) ( slides )
- Arjun Khandelwal and Joshua Xiong, Linear algebra methods in combinatorics (mentor Chiheon Kim) ( slides )

With questions, contact PRIMES Program Director Slava Gerovitch at