Math Community
Read about initiatives taken by the department to offer support, encourage participation, and foster a sense of belonging for all members of our community.
Women in Math
The department has a growing community of female alumnae, faculty, current and prospective postdocs and students. Visit their Women in Math website to learn more about their research and seminars.
Alumni and Friends
We are proud to have a vast network of alumni of our department who are involved these days in a great diversity of interesting activities including education, scientific research, engineering, investing and management. Just at MIT alone, Mathematics alumni include thirteen faculty outside the Mathematics Department, including the current Head of the EECS Department, a former Provost, and a Nobel Prize winner in Biology. We encourage our alumni to stay in contact with us and send us their thoughts and ideas.
Our alumni and friends have played a crucial role through their gifts to the Department. Mathematics has traditionally been a poorer than other, better endowed, departments in science and engineering. Moreover, federal funding for basic science, including mathematics, has been tight in recent years. We need ample financial resources to continue to attract the very best faculty and students, as well as to continue important programs such as SPUR and RSI, which give our talented undergraduate students and selected high-school students an experience doing mathematics research.
If you are interested in giving to the Department, please see the giving page.