Request for Reimbursement
For quickest processing and payment, we encourage individuals seeking reimbursement for MIT- related travel or business expenses to follow the appropriate procedures outlined below. Please note there are different processes based on whether the individual is enrolled in the MIT Payroll system (e.g., MIT employees/students versus visitors/guests).
Individuals seeking reimbursement must provide all necessary receipts and supporting documentation, give a detailed justification (for auditing purposes), and comply with the applicable policies set forth by the Office of the Vice President for Finance (VPF).
All Graduate and Undergraduate students who seek travel reimbursements should email Charlotte Rubel () to confirm account balance and secure approval of the expense.
MIT Employees
MIT faculty, staff, instructors, postdocs, and graduate students
Travel Reimbursement
Any travel related expenses incurred while traveling for MIT business or research—including conference registration fees and meals while traveling
The travel expense report must be submitted within 60 days after the completion of the trip.
Travel reimbursement via the Concur system

Log in to: and sign on using your MIT certificate (also available via or the concur app (for android or iOS, see this link).
Trip purpose: please include a detailed explanation of trip purpose and its benefit to the research project (in the comment field of the report header or, if more space is needed, attach an additional page when attaching receipt images/pdf documents.
For inquiries (including cost object inquiries) and/or assistance using Concur please email
Once approved, payment will be issued via direct deposit to your personal bank account identified in Atlas’ Direct Deposit Preferences. All new employees must submit Direct Deposit information online via Atlas.
Resource: VPF - Report Travel Expenses
Resource: VPF- Concur Guide for Submitters
Resource: VPF – Avoid Common Expensing Mistakes
Non-Travel Reimbursement
Any non-travel related expenses, including meals (while not traveling), and out-of-pocket expenses related to your work at MIT and paid for using personal funds
Expense/non-travel reimbursement via Atlas

Log in to: My Reimbursement page on Atlas (MIT certificates required) and click Request a Reimbursement for Me.
Cost object/G/L account/Send to: Once you have completed the RFP and attached your receipt(s), send it to Lara Holt for processing and approval. The G/L Account and Cost Object can be left blank if you do not know which to use, or contact Lara directly at to provide that information.
For inquiries and/or assistance please email .
Once approved, payment will be issued via direct deposit within 1-2 business days to your personal bank account on file in Atlas' Direct Deposit Preferences.
Resource: A detailed guide on how to complete an RFP
Resource: VPF – Request a Reimbursement
Visitors and Undergraduate Students
Visitors, non-MIT employees, and undergraduate students
Visitor Travel Reimbursements
Visitors of the MIT Math Department can request reimbursement for eligible expenses using the appropriate fillable PDF forms linked below. Please email a PDF of the completed form and all receipts to . Headquarters staff will review your request and approve/submit for payment.
Travel Reimbursement Request Form*
Use this form for all travel-related expenses including transportation, lodging, meals (while traveling), and/or per diems (for foreign or pre-approved domestic travel only).
*Please download your form before filling it out as you will not be able to save your changes in the browser window.
Undergraduate Travel Reimbursements
For travel reimbursements, please contact Charlotte Rubel () and forward the following:
A paragraph explaining the details of the request (as a minimum, the conference name and location, expected cost of trip, and nature of the student's participation).
There are limited department funds available to support travel expenses of math majors. These are primarily intended for travel to conferences in which the student is participating actively (such as, presenting a paper). Funds are not guaranteed.
Non-Travel Reimbursement
You may request reimbursement for eligible expenses using the appropriate fillable PDF forms linked below. Please email a PDF of the completed form and all receipts to . Headquarters staff will review your request and approve/submit for payment.
Non-Travel Reimbursement Request Form*
Use this form for all non-travel related expenses including meals (while not traveling) and out-of-pocket expenses related to your work at MIT and paid for using personal funds.
*Please download your form before filling it out as you will not be able to save your changes in the browser window.
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of problems could hold up travel reimbursement?
- Wrong cost object listed to charge expenses
- Missing original receipts over $75
- No original detailed hotel bill
- No receipt for business meeting regardless of amount
- No receipt for local travel and dining regardless of amount
- No itemized receipt for meals over $75
- No original detailed car rental receipt
- No original passenger receipt or detailed website receipt for airline tickets;
- No documentation on business related meetings that involve food/meals (list of participants, affiliation and topic of discussion)
- No discretionary account for unallowable expenses
- Excessive costs
- Incorrect mailing address for guest travelers
- Required additional approval from Office of Sponsored Programs, Senior Officer or Provost
- Foreign bank draft reimbursement
- Use of a foreign-flag carrier on a sponsored project
- Alcohol charged to a sponsored project
Is direct deposit available for my reimbursements?
Direct Deposit is available if the traveler has direct deposit information on file with HR/Payroll and has created the expense report in his or her Concur profile and not a guest profile.
When do meals need to be categorized as expense type business meals?
Whenever a meal involves a non-MIT party, it must be classified as a business meeting.