
Faculty, Instructor and Academic Staff Awards


Roman Bezrukavnikov Frontiers of Science Award in Mathematics, International Congress of Basic Sciences (ICBS)
Alexei Borodin Barton L. Weller Professorship
Semyon Dyatlov Simons Fellow, Simons Foundation
Semyon Dyatlov Frontiers of Science Award in Mathematics, International Congress of Basic Sciences (ICBS)
Davis Evans David J. Benney Prize, MIT Mathematics
Felix Gotti George Lusztig PRIMES Mentorships, MIT
Daniel Kleitman Member, National Academy of Sciences
George Lusztig Gold Medal of UVT, West University of Timișoara
Davesh Maulik Norman Levinson Professorship
Dor Minzer Best Paper Award, STOC
Dor Minzer Cecil and Ida B. Green Career Development Professorship
Elchanan Mossel Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Alex Pieloch Charles and Holly Housman Award for Excellence in Teaching, MIT
Philippe Rigollet Cecil and Ida B. Green Distinguished Professorship
Scott Sheffield Henri Poincaré Prize
Peter Shor Claude E. Shannon Award, IEEE Information Theory Society
John Urschel Edmund F. Kelly Research Award, MIT Mathematics Department
John Urschel Richard C. DiPrima Prize, SIAM
John Urschel Early Career Prize, SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra
Robin Zhang Graduate Thesis Award Gold Prize, ICCM
Yufei Zhao Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize, MPS & AMS
Jonathan Zung Charles and Holly Housman Award for Excellence in Teaching, MIT


Karol Bacik Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics, APS
Tobias Holck Colding Simons Fellow, Simons Foundation
Jörn Dunkel MathWorks Professor of Mathematics
Jörn Dunkel Schmidt Science Polymath Award, Schmidt Futures
Pavel Etingof Member, European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Jeremy Hahn Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Tom Leighton John von Neumann Medal , IEEE
Davesh Maulik Simons Investigator, Simons Foundation
Tomasz Mrowka Leroy P. Steele Prize - Seminal Contribution to Research, AMS
Bjorn Poonen Joseph L. Doob Prize, AMS
Philippe Rigollet Frank E. Perkins Award, MIT
Scott Sheffield Leonard Eisenbud Prize for Mathematics and Physics, AMS
Jia Shi Association for Women in Mathematics Dissertation Prize
Peter Shor Lise Meitner Distinguished Medal, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Wei Zhang Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences


Roman Bezrukavnikov Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Tristan Collins Class of 1948 Career Development Chair, MIT
Edgar Costa Community Building , MIT Mathematics
Semyon Dyatlov Mikhail Gordin Prize, AMS-EMS
Michel Goemans Leroy P. Steele Prize - Seminal Contribution to Research, AMS
Jeremy Hahn Rockwell International Career Assistant Professorship, Rockwell International Corporation Trust
Steven Johnson MIT Teaching with Digital Technology Award, Co-Sponsored by MIT Office of Open Learning and Office of Vice Chancellor
George Lusztig Wolf Prize in Mathematics
Dor Minzer Presburger Award for Young Scientists, European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS)
David Roe Community Building , MIT Mathematics
Peter Shor James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award
Peter Shor Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Peter Shor Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics, Breakthrough Prize
Richard Stanley Leroy P. Steele Prize - Lifetime Achievement, AMS
Wei Zhang Simons Investigator, Simons Foundation
Yufei Zhao Edmund F. Kelly Research Award, MIT Mathematics Department


Tristan Collins André Aisenstadt Prize in Mathematics, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, University of Montreal
Daniel Freedman Member, National Academy of Sciences
Michel Goemans George B. Dantzig Prize, Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS), Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Michel Goemans RSA Professor of Mathematics
Larry Guth Member, National Academy of Sciences
Larry Guth Margaret MacVicar Faculty Fellow, MIT
Andrey Khesin Bershadsky Mentor Award
George Lusztig Simons Fellow, Simons Foundation
Haynes Miller Alan J. Lazarus (1953) Excellence in Advising, Office of the First Year
Dor Minzer Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Ankur Moitra Norbert Wiener Professor of Mathematics
Philippe Rigollet Fellow, Institute for Mathematical Statistics
Scott Sheffield Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Gigliola Staffilani Member, National Academy of Sciences
Andrew Sutherland Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Yufei Zhao NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, NSF


Bonnie Berger Member, National Academy of Sciences
Roman Bezrukavnikov Simons Fellow, Simons Foundation
Alexei Borodin Simons Investigator, Simons Foundation
Alexei Borodin Bernoulli Prize, Bernoulli Society
Edgar Costa Infinite Kilometer Award, MIT School of Science
Jörn Dunkel Robert E. Collins Distinguished Scholar, MIT Mathematics Department
Semyon Dyatlov MIT Teaching with Digital Technology Award, Co-Sponsored by MIT Office of Open Learning and Office of Vice Chancellor
Alan Edelman Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery
Slava Gerovitch Infinite Mile Award, MIT School of Science and HR
Larry Guth Bôcher Memorial Prize, AMS
Larry Guth Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences
Jonathan Kelner MIT Teaching with Digital Technology Award, Co-Sponsored by MIT Office of Open Learning and Office of Vice Chancellor
Ju-Lee Kim Earll M. Murman Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Advising. , MIT
Elchanan Mossel Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship, U.S. Department of Defense
Peter Shor Member, National Academy of Engineering
Gigliola Staffilani Commitment to Caring Award (C2C), Office of Graduate Education
Gilbert Strang Irwin Sizer Award for the Most Significant Improvement to MIT Education, MIT
Nike Sun Wolfgang Doeblin Prize, Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability
Zhiwei Yun Simons Investigator, Simons Foundation
Yufei Zhao UROP Outstanding Mentor Award, MIT Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program


Bonnie Berger Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Bonnie Berger ISCB Senior Scientist Award, International Society for Computational Biology
Alexei Borodin Fermat Prize, Toulouse Mathematics Institute
Alan Edelman Sidney Fernbach Award, IEEE
Daniel Freedman Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics, Breakthrough Prize
Larry Guth Claude Shannon Professor of Mathematics
Larry Guth Fellow, American Mathematical Society
David Jerison John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship
Victor Kac Simons Fellow, Simons Foundation
Victor Kac Member, Accademia Nationale dei Lincei
Tanya Khovanova Infinite Mile Award, MIT School of Science and HR
Andrew Lawrie Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Andrew Lawrie Edmund F. Kelly Research Award, MIT Mathematics Department
Tom Leighton Visionary Award, SC Media
William Minicozzi First Year Advisor Award, MIT
Elchanan Mossel Simons Investigator, Simons Foundation
Elchanan Mossel Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Bjorn Poonen Distinguished Professor in Science, MIT
Peter Shor Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery
Peter Shor Frontiers of Knowledge Award, BBVA Foundation
Gilbert Strang Foreign Member, Russian Academy of Sciences
Nike Sun NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, NSF
Zhiwei Yun Morningside Gold Medal of Mathematics, International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians
Zhiwei Yun Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Wei Zhang Clay Mathematics Research Award
Wei Zhang Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Yufei Zhao Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Yufei Zhao First Year Advisor Award, MIT


Alexei Borodin Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Alexei Borodin Alexanderson Award, American Institute of Mathematics
Henry Cohn Levi L. Conant Prize, AMS
Tristan Collins Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Semyon Dyatlov NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, NSF
Semyon Dyatlov Early Career Award, International Congress on Mathematical Physics
Semyon Dyatlov Best Paper Award, ICCM
Alan Edelman Fellow, IEEE
Pavel Etingof Frank E. Perkins Award, MIT
Larry Guth Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Larry Guth Best Paper Award, ICCM
David Jerison Simons Fellow, Simons Foundation
Peter Kempthorne First Year Advisor Award, MIT
Tom Leighton Marconi Prize, Marconi Society
William Minicozzi School of Science Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, MIT School of Science
Ankur Moitra School of Science Prize for Excellence in Graduate Teaching, MIT
Ankur Moitra Young Investigator Award, Office of Naval Research (ONR)
James Munkres Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Peter Shor Eric E. Sumner Award, IEEE
Peter Shor Micius Quantum Prize, Micius Quantum Foundation
Gigliola Staffilani Earll M. Murman Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Advising. , MIT
Zhiwei Yun New Horizons in Mathematics, Breakthrough Prize
Wei Zhang New Horizons in Mathematics, Breakthrough Prize
Yufei Zhao Dénes König Prize, SIAM
Yufei Zhao The Future of Science Award, MIT School of Science
Yufei Zhao Class of 1956 Career Development Professorship Chair
Yufei Zhao Best Paper Award, ICCM


Hung Cheng Distinguished Achievement Award in Technology and Humanity/Humanities, Chinese Institute of Engineers
Tobias Holck Colding Simons Fellow, Simons Foundation
Semyon Dyatlov Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
David Jerison MITx Prize for Teaching and Learning in MOOCs, MIT Office of Digital Learning
Tom Leighton Inductee, National Inventors Hall of Fame
William Minicozzi Singer Professor of Mathematics, James and Marilyn Simons Professorship Fund
Tomasz Mrowka Simons Fellow, Simons Foundation
Bjorn Poonen Simons Collaboration Grant, Simons Foundation
Scott Sheffield Clay Mathematics Research Award
Scott Sheffield Leighton Family Professor of Mathematics, Leighton Family Fund
Peter Shor Dirac Medal, ICTP
Peter Shor IEEE Information Theory Society Paper Award, IEEE
Michael Sipser Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery
Gigliola Staffilani John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship
Gigliola Staffilani Simons Fellow, Simons Foundation
Gigliola Staffilani MITx Prize for Teaching and Learning in MOOCs, MIT Office of Digital Learning
Gilbert Strang Excellence in Mentoring Award, MIT
Nike Sun Rollo Davidson Award, Rollo Davidson Trust
Andrew Sutherland Simons Collaboration Grant, Simons Foundation
Wei Zhang Simons Fellow, Simons Foundation


Michael Artin National Medal of Science, NSF
Bonnie Berger Simons Professor of Mathematics, James and Marilyn Simons Professorship Fund
Bonnie Berger Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) College of Fellows
Alexei Borodin Simons Fellow, Simons Foundation
Tobias Holck Colding Carlsberg Foundation Research Prize, Carlsberg Foundation
Tobias Holck Colding David Eisenbud Professorship, MSRI
Jörn Dunkel Complex Systems Scholar Award, James S. McDonnell Foundation
Pavel Etingof Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Michel Goemans Honorary Doctorate, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Larry Guth New Horizons in Mathematics, Breakthrough Prize
Ju-Lee Kim Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Tom Leighton Irwin Sizer Award for the Most Significant Improvement to MIT Education, MIT
Ankur Moitra Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Ankur Moitra Packard Foundation Fellowship, David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Ankur Moitra Rockwell International Career Development Chair, MIT
Bjorn Poonen Simons Investigator, Simons Foundation
Scott Sheffield Aisenstadt Chair, Center for Mathematical Research, Université de Montréal
Michael Sipser Margaret MacVicar Faculty Fellow, MIT
Michael Sipser Irwin Sizer Award for the Most Significant Improvement to MIT Education, MIT
Michael Sipser Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Alar Toomre Member, American Philosophical Society
Zhiwei Yun Morningside Silver Medal of Mathematics, International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians
Wei Zhang Morningside Gold Medal of Mathematics, International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians


Bonnie Berger Honorary Doctorate, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Alexei Borodin The Loeve Prize
Alexei Borodin Henri Poincaré Prize
Henry Cohn Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Tobias Holck Colding Clay Mathematics Institute Senior Scholar
Jörn Dunkel Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Jörn Dunkel Edmund F. Kelly Research Award, MIT Mathematics Department
Alan Edelman Charles Babbage Award, IEEE
Alan Edelman Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Pavel Etingof Frank E. Perkins Award, MIT
Larry Guth Clay Mathematics Research Award
Larry Guth School of Science Prize for Excellence in Graduate Teaching, MIT
Victor Kac Leroy P. Steele Prize - Lifetime Achievement, AMS
Jonathan Kelner Mark Hyman Jr. Career Development Chair, MIT
William Minicozzi Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Ankur Moitra Edmund F. Kelly Research Award, MIT Mathematics Department
Ankur Moitra NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, NSF
Tomasz Mrowka Member, National Academy of Sciences
Bjorn Poonen Simons Fellow, Simons Foundation
Philippe Rigollet NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, NSF
Yufei Zhao Charles W. and Jennifer C. Johnson Prize, MIT
Yufei Zhao George Lusztig PRIMES Mentorships, MIT


Roman Bezrukavnikov Simons Fellow, Simons Foundation
Larry Guth Simons Investigator, Simons Foundation
Larry Guth Salem Prize
George Lusztig Simons Fellow, Simons Foundation
George Lusztig The Shaw Prize, The Shaw Prize Foundation in Hong Kong: Established under auspices of Mr. Run Run Shaw
Bjorn Poonen School of Science Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, MIT School of Science
Paul Seidel Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Paul Seidel Norman Levinson Professor of Applied Mathematics, James and Marilyn Simons Professorship Fund
Scott Sheffield Simons Fellow, Simons Foundation
Gigliola Staffilani Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
David Vogan Norbert Wiener Professor of Mathematics


Michael Artin Wolf Prize in Mathematics
Michael Artin Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Bonnie Berger Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Bonnie Berger Alumni Achievement Award, Brandeis University
Laurent Demanet NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, NSF
Laurent Demanet Class of 1954 Career Development Chair, MIT
Semyon Dyatlov Clay Mathematics Research Fellowship
Pavel Etingof Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Michel Goemans SIAM Fellow, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics
Michel Goemans Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Victor Guillemin Fellow, American Mathematical Society
David Jerison Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Victor Kac Member, National Academy of Sciences
Victor Kac Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Jonathan Kelner School of Science Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, MIT School of Science
Steven Kleiman Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Tom Leighton Fellow, American Mathematical Society
George Lusztig Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Haynes Miller Fellow, American Mathematical Society
William Minicozzi Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Tomasz Mrowka Radcliffe Institute Fellowship, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard
Bjorn Poonen Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Rodolfo Rosales Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Paul Seidel Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Gigliola Staffilani Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Richard Stanley Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Gilbert Strang Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Daniel Stroock Fellow, American Mathematical Society
David Vogan Member, National Academy of Sciences
David Vogan Fellow, American Mathematical Society
Zhiwei Yun Packard Foundation Fellowship, David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Wei Zhang Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship


Bonnie Berger NIH Director's Margaret Pittman Lecture for Outstanding Scientific Achievement & Lectureship, National Institute of Health
Bonnie Berger Fellow, International Society for Computational Biology
Pavel Etingof Robert E. Collins Distinguished Scholar, MIT Mathematics Department
Michel Goemans Farkas Prize, INFORMS* Optimization Society
David Jerison Stefan Bergman Prize, American Mathematical Society
Victor Kac Simons Fellow, Simons Foundation
Bjorn Poonen Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Paul Seidel Simons Investigator, Simons Foundation
Michael Sipser Barton L. Weller Professorship
Andrew Sutherland Selfridge Prize, Number Theory Foundation
Zhiwei Yun SASTRA RAMANUJAN PRIZE, The Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology (SASTRA) Research Acadmey


Tobias Holck Colding Clay Mathematics Institute Senior Scholar
Laurent Demanet Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Alan Edelman SIAM Fellow, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics
Jonathan Kelner Harold E. Edgerton Faculty Achievement Award, MIT
Tomasz Mrowka Joseph L. Doob Prize, AMS
Bjorn Poonen Chauvenet Prize, MAA
Bjorn Poonen John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship
Scott Sheffield The Loeve Prize
Peter Shor Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Gilbert Strang MathWorks Professor of Mathematics
David Vogan Levi L. Conant Prize, AMS


Bonnie Berger Test of Time Award, RECOMB
Tobias Holck Colding Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry, AMS
Tobias Holck Colding Norman Levinson Professor of Applied Mathematics, James and Marilyn Simons Professorship Fund
Larry Guth Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Jonathan Kelner Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
William Minicozzi Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry, AMS
Tomasz Mrowka John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship
Paul Seidel Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry, AMS
Peter Shor IEEE Information Theory Society Paper Award, IEEE
Wei Zhang SASTRA RAMANUJAN PRIZE, The Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology (SASTRA) Research Acadmey


Michael Artin SIAM Fellow, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics
John Bush Fellow, American Physical Society
Laurent Demanet Fund for Research in Computers & Communications, NEC Corporation
Michel Goemans Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery
Steven Johnson Edmund F. Kelly Research Award, MIT Mathematics Department
Jonathan Kelner NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, NSF
Tom Leighton SIAM Fellow, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics
George Lusztig Edward A. Abdun-Nur Professor, Edward A. Abdun-Nur Trust
Tomasz Mrowka Clay Mathematics Institute Senior Scholar
Bjorn Poonen Claude Shannon Professor of Mathematics
Scott Sheffield Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), NSF
Michael Sipser Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Gigliola Staffilani Radcliffe Institute Fellowship, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard
Gilbert Strang Member, National Academy of Sciences
Gilbert Strang SIAM Fellow, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics


Alexei Borodin Prize of the European Mathematical Society
Tobias Holck Colding Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Steven Johnson Ferry Fund for Innovation in Research Education, MIT
Jonathan Kelner Kokusai Denshin Denwa Career Development Chair, MIT
Tom Leighton Member, National Academy of Sciences
George Lusztig Leroy P. Steele Prize - Lifetime Achievement, AMS


Roman Bezrukavnikov Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Michel Goemans John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship
Michel Goemans Leighton Family Professor of Mathematics, Leighton Family Fund
Victor Kac Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Jonathan Kelner Fund for Research in Computers & Communications, NEC Corporation
Davesh Maulik Clay Mathematics Research Fellowship
Elchanan Mossel Bergmann Memorial Award, U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation
Tomasz Mrowka Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry, AMS
Tomasz Mrowka Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Tomasz Mrowka Singer Professor of Mathematics, James and Marilyn Simons Professorship Fund
Alexander Postnikov NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, NSF
Scott Sheffield Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Scott Sheffield NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, NSF
Peter Shor Caltech Distinguished Alumni Award, Caltech
Peter Shor ICS Prize, INFORMS Computing Society
Gigliola Staffilani Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor, MIT
Richard Stanley Honorary Professorship, Nankai University
Harold Stark Member, National Academy of Sciences
Gilbert Strang Su Buchin Prize, ICIAM
Gilbert Strang Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award, MAA
Gilbert Strang Peter Henrici Prize, ETHZ & SIAM
Daniel Stroock Honorary Fellowship, Swansea University, Wales
David Vogan Robert E. Collins Distinguished Scholar, MIT Mathematics Department


Tobias Holck Colding Member, Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters
Tobias Holck Colding Honorary Professor, University of Copenhagen
Daniel Freedman Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics, APS & AIM
Michel Goemans Robert E. Collins Distinguished Scholar, MIT Mathematics Department
Richard Melrose Simons Professor of Mathematics, James and Marilyn Simons Professorship Fund
Haynes Miller Graduate Student Council Teaching Award, MIT
Elchanan Mossel NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, NSF
Alexander Postnikov Edmund F. Kelly Research Award, MIT Mathematics Department
Scott Sheffield Rollo Davidson Award, Rollo Davidson Trust
Richard Stanley Aisenstadt Chair, Center for Mathematical Research, Université de Montréal
Richard Stanley Honorary Doctorate, University of Waterloo
Gilbert Strang Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics, Northeastern Section, Mathematical Association of America


Michael Artin Centennial Medal, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Henry Cohn Lester R. Ford Prize, MAA
Alan Edelman Lester R. Ford Prize, MAA
Daniel Freedman Distinguished Alumni Fellow Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Physics
George Lusztig Honorary Member, Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy
Davesh Maulik Compositio Mathematica Prize, Cambridge University Press
Haynes Miller Margaret MacVicar Faculty Fellow, MIT
Elchanan Mossel Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Bjorn Poonen Miller Research Professorship, The Adolph C. and Mary Sprague Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science
Gilbert Strang Lester R. Ford Prize, MAA
Gilbert Strang John von Neumann Medal, U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics


Bonnie Berger Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery
Michel Goemans School of Science: Dean's Educational & Student Advising Award, MIT
David Jerison Margaret MacVicar Faculty Fellow, MIT
Tom Leighton Member, National Academy of Engineering
Richard Stanley Clay Mathematics Institute Senior Scholar
Daniel Stroock Foreign Member, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences


Michael Artin School of Science: Dean's Educational & Student Advising Award, MIT
John Bush Edmund F. Kelly Research Award, MIT Mathematics Department
Victor Guillemin Leroy P. Steele Prize - Lifetime Achievement, AMS
Victor Kac Sarojini Damodaran Fellowship, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
Tom Leighton Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
George Lusztig National Order, President of Romania
Alexander Postnikov Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Peter Shor Henry Adams Morss Jr. Professor, MIT
Michael Sipser Graduate Student Council Teaching Award, MIT
Michael Sipser School of Science: Dean's Educational & Student Advising Award, MIT
Richard Stanley Rolf Schock Prize in Mathematics, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences


Michael Artin Leroy P. Steele Prize - Lifetime Achievement, AMS
John Bush NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, NSF
Daniel Freedman Andrejewski Lectures in Mathematical Physics
Victor Kac Simons Research Visiting Professor, MSRI
Steven Kleiman Foreign Member, Norwegian Academy of Arts and Letters
George Lusztig Aisenstadt Chair, Center for Mathematical Research, Université de Montréal
Peter Shor Member, National Academy of Sciences
Peter Shor King Faisal International Prize in Science, King Faisal Foundation
Daniel Stroock Singer Professor of Mathematics, James and Marilyn Simons Professorship Fund


Roman Bezrukavnikov Clay Mathematics Research Fellowship
Alexei Borodin Clay Mathematics Research Fellowship
Alan Edelman SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize, Society for Institute and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Tom Leighton Charles Babbage Award, IEEE
Richard Stanley Leroy P. Steele Prize - Mathematical Exposition, AMS


Henry Cohn AIM Fellowship, American Institute of Mathematics
Alan Edelman SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra Prize
Michel Goemans Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize, MPS & AMS
Tom Leighton Top Ten Innovators for 21st Century, U.S. News and World Reports
Paul Seidel Prize of the European Mathematical Society
Gigliola Staffilani Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Richard Stanley Norman Levinson Professor of Applied Mathematics, James and Marilyn Simons Professorship Fund


Bonnie Berger Margaret Oakley Dayhoff Award, Biophysical Society
Bonnie Berger Top 100 Innovators under 35, Technology Review
John Bush Ferry Fund for Innovation in Research Education, MIT
Alan Edelman Edgerly Science Partnership Award, MIT School of Science
Michel Goemans Faculty Partnership Award, IBM
Michel Goemans Optimization Prize, SIAM
David Jerison Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Victor Kac Sackler Fellowship, IHES (Institut Hautes Etudes Scientifique)
George Lusztig Brouwer Medal, Dutch Mathematical Society and Royal Dutch Academy
George Lusztig Norbert Wiener Professor of Mathematics
Alexander Postnikov Miller Research Fellowship, The Adolph C. and Mary Sprague Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science
Peter Shor The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, The MacArthur Foundation
Peter Shor Dickson Prize in Science
Peter Shor The Gödel Prize


Alan Edelman Chauvenet Prize, MAA
Victor Kac Honorary Member, Moscow Mathematical Society
Victor Kac Chaire Condorcet, Ecole Normal Superieure
William Minicozzi Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Bjorn Poonen Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Bjorn Poonen Rosenbaum Fellowship, Gabriella and Paul Rosenbaum Foundation
Bjorn Poonen Packard Foundation Fellowship, David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Peter Shor Rolf Nevanlinna Prize, International Mathematical Union
Peter Shor International Quantum Communication Award


Michael Artin Honorary Doctorate, University of Hamburg
Victor Guillemin Humboldt Research Award (Humboldt Prize), Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
George Lusztig Honorary Doctorate, University of Paris VII


Tobias Holck Colding Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Michel Goemans Optimization Prize, SIAM
Michel Goemans NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, NSF
Victor Kac Eugene Wigner Medal, Group Theory and Fundamental Physics Foundation
Daniel Stroock Leroy P. Steele Prize - Seminal Contribution to Research, AMS
David Vogan Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences


Michael Artin School of Science Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, MIT School of Science
Michael Artin Honorary Member, Moscow Mathematical Society
Bonnie Berger Charles E. Reed Faculty Initiation Fund, MIT
Bonnie Berger NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, NSF
Alan Edelman Science Partnership Award, State Street Fund
Alan Edelman NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, NSF
Michel Goemans Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Richard Stanley Member, National Academy of Sciences
Daniel Stroock Member, National Academy of Sciences


Alan Edelman Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Victor Guillemin School of Science Prize for Excellence in Graduate Teaching, MIT
Victor Guillemin Norbert Wiener Professor of Mathematics
Alar Toomre Brouwer Award, Division of Dynamical Astronomy of American Astronomical Society


Alan Edelman Leslie Fox Competition Prize (in Numerical Analysis), INFORMS
Daniel Freedman Dirac Medal, ICTP
Tomasz Mrowka Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Tomasz Mrowka National Young Investigator Award, NSF


Michael Artin Honorary Doctorate, University of Antwerp
Steven Kleiman Member, Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters
George Lusztig Member, National Academy of Sciences
Richard Melrose John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship


George Lusztig Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Daniel Stroock Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences


Alan Edelman Alston S. Householder Award


Alan Edelman Gordon Bell Prize, ACM
Steven Kleiman Honorary Doctorate, University of Copenhagen
James Munkres Honorary Doctorate, Nebraska-Weslayan University


Richard Stanley Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences


Michael Artin Norbert Wiener Professor of Mathematics
Victor Guillemin John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship
Victor Guillemin Graduate Student Council Teaching Award, MIT
Alar Toomre School of Science Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, MIT School of Science


Michael Artin Foreign Member, Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wettenschappen
Daniel Freedman Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Daniel Freedman Fellow, American Physical Society
Victor Kac John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship
Richard Melrose Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Gilbert Strang Graduate Student Council Teaching Award, MIT


Michael Artin Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Victor Guillemin Member, National Academy of Sciences
David Jerison Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
David Jerison Presidential Young Investigator Award, NSF
George Lusztig Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra, AMS
Richard Stanley Sherman M. Fairchild Fellowship, Caltech
Gilbert Strang Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences


Richard Melrose Bôcher Memorial Prize, AMS
James Munkres School of Science Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, MIT School of Science
Rodolfo Rosales Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Alar Toomre The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, The MacArthur Foundation


Harvey Greenspan Sherman M. Fairchild Fellowship, Caltech
Victor Guillemin Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Tom Leighton Presidential Young Investigator Award, NSF
George Lusztig Fellow, Royal Society
Richard Stanley John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship
Harold Stark Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Alar Toomre Member, National Academy of Sciences
David Vogan Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship


Herman Chernoff Honorary Doctorate, Ohio State University
George Lusztig John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship


Victor Kac Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Victor Kac College de France Medal


Herman Chernoff Member, National Academy of Sciences
Haynes Miller Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship


Steven Kleiman John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship


Hung Cheng Academician, Academia Sinica
Daniel Stroock John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship


Michael Artin Member, National Academy of Sciences
George Lusztig Berwick Prize, London Mathematical Society
Gilbert Strang Chauvenet Prize, MAA
David Vogan Centennial Fellowship, AMS


Richard Stanley George Pólya Prize, SIAM


Herman Chernoff Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Alar Toomre Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences


Daniel Freedman John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship
Daniel Kleitman Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences


Hung Cheng John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship


Michael Artin Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Daniel Freedman Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Victor Guillemin Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship


Steven Kleiman Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship


Steven Kleiman NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship
Gilbert Strang Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship