Computational Science & Numerical Analysis

Computational science is a key area related to physical mathematics. The problems of interest in physical mathematics often require computations for their resolution. Conversely, the development of efficient computational algorithms often requires an understanding of the basic properties of the solutions to the equations to be solved numerically. For example, the development of methods for the solution of hyperbolic equations (e.g. shock capturing methods in, say, gas-dynamics) has been characterized by a very close interaction between theoretical, computational, experimental scientists, and engineers.

Department Members in This Field


  • Laurent Demanet Applied analysis, Scientific Computing
  • Alan Edelman Parallel Computing, Numerical Linear Algebra, Random Matrices
  • Steven Johnson Waves, PDEs, Scientific Computing
  • Pablo Parrilo Optimization, Control Theory, Computational Algebraic Geometry, Applied Mathematics
  • Gilbert Strang Numerical Analysis, Partial Differential Equations
  • John Urschel Matrix Analysis, Numerical Linear Algebra, Spectral Graph Theory

Instructors & Postdocs

  • Pengning Chao Scientific computing, Nanophotonics, Inverse problems, Fundamental limits
  • Shi Chen Machine Learning, Gradient Flows and Optimization, Inverse Problems
  • Ziang Chen applied analysis, applied probability, statistics, optimization, machine learning
  • Nicholas Nelsen Scientific Machine Learning, Statistics, Inverse Problems

Researchers & Visitors

Graduate Students*

*Only a partial list of graduate students