All Department Members
Graduate Student
Instructor in Mathematics
Mathematical physics, spectral geometry, analysis on graphs, quantum graphs.
Mathematics Program Coordinator
Graduate Student
Physical Applied Mathematics Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
Numerical methods for PDEs, Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing, Computational Electromagnetism
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
Algebraic Geometry, Non-Commutative Algebra
Research Scientist
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Number Theory
Computational Number Theory, Arithmetic Geometry, Automorphic Forms
Postdoctoral Associate
Visiting Scientist
E.G. Roos Professor
Professor of Chemical Engineering and Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, Electrokinetics, Electrochemistry, Chemical Engineering
Graduate Student
Nonlinear Waves, Inverse Scattering Transform, Fractional Calculus
Simons Professor of Mathematics
Theoretical Computer Science, Computational Biological Modeling
Postdoctoral Associate
Representation Theory Physical Applied Mathematics Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
Representation theory, Geometric algebra
Professor of Mathematics
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Representation Theory
Representation Theory, Algebraic Geometry
Graduate Student
Postdoctoral Associate
Postdoctoral Fellow
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Number Theory
Arithmetic Geometry, Langlands Program
Algebraic Topology Computational Biology
Floer homology, computational biology, data science education
Instructor in Mathematics
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Representation theory, Link homology
Postdoctoral Associate
Research Affiliate
Probability & Statistics Combinatorics Theoretical Computer Science
Combinatorics, Discrete Probability, Theoretical Computer Science
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Probability & Statistics Combinatorics
Probability theory & connections to Combinatorics and Mathematical Physics
Barton L. Weller Professor of Mathematics
On Sabbatical Leave Fall and Spring semesters
Probability & Statistics Representation Theory
Integrable Probability
Senior Academic Programs Assistant, Undergraduate Program
Graduate Student
Probability & Statistics Physical Applied Mathematics Mathematics of Data
Mathematics of Data, Statistics, Physical Applied Mathematics
Research Scientist
Physical Applied Mathematics Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
PDEs, Spectral Methods, Fluid Dynamics
C.L.E. Moore Instructor
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Probability theory, Yang-Mills
Systems Administrator
Instructor in Applied Mathematics
Physical Applied Mathematics Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
Scientific computing, Nanophotonics, Inverse problems, Fundamental limits
Graduate Student
Physical Applied Mathematics Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
Physical Applied Math, Waves
Graduate Student
Physical Applied Mathematics Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
Optimization, Scientific Computing
Instructor in Applied Mathematics
Analysis & PDEs Computational Science & Numerical Analysis Mathematics of Data
Machine Learning, Gradient Flows and Optimization, Inverse Problems
Instructor in Applied Mathematics
Probability & Statistics Computational Science & Numerical Analysis Mathematics of Data
applied analysis, applied probability, statistics, optimization, machine learning
Office: Off-campus
Emeritus Professor of Applied Mathematics
Statistics, Probability
Croucher Postdoctoral Fellow
Instructor in Mathematics
Differential Geometry and Partial Differential Equations
Cecil and Ida Green Distinguished Professor of Mathematics
Pure Mathematics Committee Chair
Differential Geometry, Partial Differential Equations
Senior Web Developer
Class of 1948 Career Development Associate Professor
On Leave Fall and Spring semesters
Geometric Analysis, PDEs
Senior HR Representative
Research Scientist
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Number Theory
Computational Number Theory, Arithmetic Geometry
Graduate Student
Analysis & PDEs Probability & Statistics Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
PDE, machine learning, computer-assisted proofs
Assistant Director, Academic Programs
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Probability & Statistics Computational Science & Numerical Analysis Mathematics of Data
High-dimensional statistics, optimization, sampling algorithms, machine learning
(617) 324-2614
Office: 2-247
Professor of Applied Mathematics
Professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
Applied analysis, Scientific Computing
Instructor in Applied Mathematics
Active matter, scientific computing, continuum mechanics, poroelasticity, fluid-solid interaction
Visiting Scientist
Instructor in Applied Mathematics
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Combinatorics Theoretical Computer Science
Combinatorics, Theoretical Computer Science
Graduate Student
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Representation Theory
Algebraic Geometry, Representation Theory
Graduate Student
Probability, interactions with statistical physics, combinatorics and TCS
C.L.E. Moore Instructor
geometric flows, minimal surfaces, Allen-Cahn equations
Financial Coordinator
Graduate Student
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Representation Theory
Geometric and combinatorial methods in representation theory
Professor of Mathematics
On Sabbatical Leave Fall semester
Quantum chaos, microlocal analysis, dynamical systems, scattering theory
Professor of Applied Mathematics
Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
Scientific Computing, Numerical Linear Algebra, Random Matrices
Lecturer II
Professor of Mathematics
Representation Theory, Quantum Groups, Noncommutative Algebra
Postdoctoral Associate
Computational Biology Physical Applied Mathematics Mathematics of Data
Theoretical Biophysics, Mathematical Modeling
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Emeritus Professor of Applied Mathematics
Theoretical Physics, Supergravity, Supersymmetry
Instructor in Mathematics
Postdoctoral Associate
Probability & Statistics Theoretical Computer Science
Algorithms, Learning Theory, Probability Theory, Networks
Senior Academic Programs Assistant, Graduate Program
History of Mathematics, Cybernetics
Instructor in Applied Mathematics
Physical Applied Mathematics Mathematics of Data
Stochastic Processes, Dynamical Systems, Machine Learning
Department Head
RSA Professor
Professor of Mathematics
Algorithms, Combinatorics & Optimization
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Commutative Algebra and Semigroup Theory (in connection to Number Theory and Combinatorics)
Emeritus Professor of Applied Mathematics
Fluid Mechanics
Graduate Student
Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
Imaging, inverse problems, signal processing
Graduate Student
Claude Shannon Professor of Mathematics
MacVicar Faculty Fellow
Metric geometry, harmonic analysis, extremal combinatorics
Graduate Student
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Geometry
Algebraic Geometry, Enumerative Geometry, Logarithmic Algebraic Geometry
Rockwell International Career Development Assistant Professor of Mathematics
On Leave Spring semester
Algebraic topology, homotopy theory
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Research Affiliate
Senior Financial Assistant
Academic Programs Assistant
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics
Neil and Jane Pappalardo Professor
Physical Applied Mathematics Mathematics of Data
Fluid Dynamics, Numerical Analysis
Graduate Student
Professor of Mathematics
On Sabbatical Leave Spring semester
Partial Differential Equations, Fourier Analysis
Professor of Applied Mathematics
Professor of Physics
Physical Applied Mathematics Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
Waves, PDEs, Scientific Computing
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mathematics
Continuum mechanics, Granular media, Computational and analytical methods
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Combinatorics
Algebraic geometry, Combinatorics
Instructor in Applied Mathematics
Instructor in Applied Mathematics
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Probability & Statistics Mathematics of Data
High dimensional statistics, Bayesian inference
Research Affiliate
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, General Relativity
Professor of Applied Mathematics
Theoretical Computer Science Mathematics of Data
Theoretical Computer Science
Visiting Scientist
recreational mathematics
Community and Outreach Officer
Graduate Student
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra
Research Affiliate
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Number Theory
Classical algebraic geometry, moduli spaces, arithmetic statistics, monodromy, mapping class groups
Associate Professor of Mathematics
On Leave Fall and Spring semesters
Analysis, Geometric PDEs
Graduate Student
Visiting Associate Professor
Dynamical systems, stability, Floquet theory, hydrodynamic quantum analogs, model experiments
Graduate Student
Probability & Statistics Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
Applied Probability, Optimization
Project Coordinator
Professor of Applied Mathematics
Theoretical Computer Science, Combinatorics
Graduate Student
Research Affiliate
Research Affiliate
Modular Forms
Instructor in Mathematics
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Analysis & PDEs Geometry Physical Applied Mathematics
Minimal Surfaces, Physical Knot Theory, Dynamical Systems
Professor of Mathematics
Analysis & PDEs Geometry Combinatorics
Harmonic Analysis, Geometrical Analysis, Complex Analysis, PDE, Nodal Geometry
Research Affiliate
Representation Theory
Graduate Student
Digital Learning Postdoctoral Associate
Graduate Student
Levinson Professor of Mathematics
On Sabbatical Leave Spring semester
Algebraic Geometry
Director, Administration and Finance
Senior Director of Development, Math and Physics
Graduate Student
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
Partial Differential Equations, Differential Geometry
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Partial Differential Equations, Differential Geometry, Functional Analysis
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
Algebraic Topology, Homotopy Theory, Homological Algebra
Senior Communications Assistant
Academic Officer
Associate Department Head
Singer Professor of Mathematics
Geometric Analysis, PDEs
Cecil and Ida B. Green Career Development Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Norbert Wiener Professor of Mathematics
Associate Director, Institute for Data Systems & Society
On Sabbatical Leave Fall and Spring semesters
Theoretical Computer Science, Machine Learning
C.L.E. Moore Instructor
Algebraic Geometry, Moduli Spaces, Enumerative Geometry
Professor of Mathematics
Probability & Statistics Combinatorics Computational Biology Theoretical Computer Science
Probability, Algorithms and Inference
Graduate Student
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Representation Theory Physical Applied Mathematics
Cluster Algebras, Resolution of Singularities, Representation Theory, Integrable Systems
Professor of Mathematics
On Sabbatical Leave Fall and Spring semesters
Gauge Theory, Differential Geometry
(617) 253-2948
Office: 2-253A
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
Differential Topology
Academic Programs Assistant
Instructor in Applied Mathematics
Probability & Statistics Theoretical Computer Science
Analysis of Boolean Functions, High-Dimensional Geometry, Property Testing
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Probability & Statistics Computational Science & Numerical Analysis Mathematics of Data
Scientific Machine Learning, Statistics, Inverse Problems
Systems Administrator
Graduate Student
Event Planner
Joseph F. and Nancy P. Keithley Professor in Electrical Engineering
Professor of EECS and Mathematics
Computational Science & Numerical Analysis Mathematics of Data
Optimization, Control Theory, Computational Algebraic Geometry, Applied Mathematics
Research Affiliate
Physical Applied Mathematics Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
Surrogate Models; ML-enhanced Optimization; Optical Computing.
Instructor in Mathematics
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Symplectic geometry, Floer theory, and pseudoholomorphic curves
Distinguished Professor in Science
Professor of Mathematics
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Mathematical Logic & Foundations Number Theory
Arithmetic Geometry, Algebraic Number Theory, Rational Points on Varieties, Undecidability
Postdoctoral Associate
Postdoctoral Associate
Combinatorics Theoretical Computer Science Mathematics of Data
Quantum Computing, Complexity Theory, Quantum Noise and Error Correction
Instructor in Mathematics
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Homotopy Theory, Arithmetic Geometry
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Cecil and Ida Green Distinguished Professor of Mathematics
Applied Mathematics Committee Chair
Probability & Statistics Computational Biology Mathematics of Data
Statistics, Machine Learning
Research Affiliate
Algebraic Combinatorics & Math Education
Research Scientist
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Number Theory Representation Theory
Computational number theory, Arithmetic geometry, local Langlands correspondence
Professor Post-Tenure of Mathematics
Nonlinear Waves, Fluid Mechanics, Material Sciences, Numerical pde
Academic Programs Assistant
Postdoctoral Associate
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Number Theory Representation Theory
Number theory, representation theory of p-adic groups, algebraic geometry
Lecturer II
Mathematical Communication
Assistant to the Department Head
Research Scientist
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Number Theory
Computational number theory, arithmetic geometry
Leighton Family Professor of Mathematics
Probability and Mathematical Physics
Morss Professor of Applied Mathematics
Quantum Computation, Quantum Information
Instructor in Applied Mathematics
Probability & Statistics Combinatorics Theoretical Computer Science
Probabilistic combinatorics, random graphs, and random processes
Donner Professor of Mathematics
MacVicar Faculty Fellow
Algorithms, Complexity Theory
Administrative Assistant - Headquarters
Graduate Student
Physical Applied Mathematics Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
Physical Applied Mathematics, Computational Fluid Dynamics
Instructor in Mathematics
Postdoctoral Associate
Probability & Statistics Theoretical Computer Science
Statistical inference, network cascades, graph algorithms, graph matching
Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of Mathematics
On Sabbatical Leave Fall and Spring semesters
Analysis: Dispersive Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Office: Off-campus
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
Number Theory
Graduate Student
Senior Financial Administrator
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis, Partial Differential Equations
Research Affiliate
Financial Mathematics
Professor Post-Tenure of Mathematics
Analysis & PDEs Probability & Statistics
Probability, Stochastic Analysis
Senior Research Scientist
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Number Theory
Computational Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry
Human Resources Administrator
Graduate Student
Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
computational science, numerical analysis, differentiable programming
Faculty Support Staff
Instructor in Mathematics
Algebraic combinatorics, symmetric functions, Schur-positivity, chromatic symmetric functions
Emeritus Professor of Applied Mathematics
Astrophysics, Stellar Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
On Leave Fall and Spring semesters
Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
Matrix Analysis, Matrix Computations, Spectral Graph Theory
Postdoctoral Fellow
Norbert Wiener Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
Group Representations, Lie Theory
Cecil H. Green Professor
Professor of EECS and Mathematics
High-dimensional Statistics, Reinforcement Learning and Stochastic Control
Faculty Support Staff
Graduate Student
Combinatorics Theoretical Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science, Combinatorics
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Visiting Lecturer
Financial Mathematics
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Algebraic Geometry, Representation Theory, Geometric Langlands
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Professor of Mathematics
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Number Theory Representation Theory
Representation Theory, Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry
Visiting Professor
Physical Applied Mathematics Computational Science & Numerical Analysis
High energy density physics, computational physics, and special function algorithms
Faculty Support Staff
Graduate Student
Theoretical Computer Science Mathematics of Data
Theoretical computer science, machine learning and data science
Instructor in Mathematics
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Number Theory Representation Theory
Number Theory, Automorphic Forms, Arithmetic Geometry
Professor of Mathematics
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Number Theory Representation Theory
Number Theory, Automorphic forms, Arithmetic Geometry
Associate Professor of Mathematics
On Leave Fall and Spring semesters
Extremal, probabilistic, and additive combinatorics
C.L.E. Moore Instructor
Differential Geometry and Partial Differential Equations
Graduate Student