Dor Minzer

Dor Minzer

Cecil and Ida B. Green Career Development Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Office: 2-265


Dor Minzer is assistant professor since September 2020. He works in the fields of mathematics and theoretical computer science. His interests involve computational complexity theory (and in particular probabilistically checkable proofs), Boolean function analysis, combinatorics and adjacent areas. With collaborators, he proved the 2-to-2 Games Conjecture, a central problem in complexity theory closely related to the Unique-Games Conjecture. He received the 2019 ACM Dissertation Award, a 2021 Sloan Research Fellowship and the 2022 Presburger Award.

After earning his bachelor’s degree in mathematics in 2014 and a PhD in 2018, both from Tel-Aviv University, he became a postdoc at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.