Jonathan Kelner

Jonathan Kelner

Professor of Applied Mathematics

Phone: (617) 253-4344

Office: 2-344


Theoretical Computer Science


Johnathan Kelner is Professor of Mathematics as of September, 2018.

Jonathan Kelner received the B.A. in mathematics from Harvard in 2002, and received the David Mumford Award as the top Harvard graduate in mathematics. He completed the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from MIT in EECS in 2005 & 2006. Daniel Spielman was his thesis advisor. Kelner was a Member of IAS 2006-07, before joining the MIT faculty in applied mathematics as assistant professor in 2007. He was promoted to associate professor in 2012, and received tenure in 2014. He was promoted to Professor in September, 2018. He continues to be a member of MIT-CSAIL. A theoretical computer scientist, Professor Kelner's research focuses on fundamental mathematical problems related to algorithms and complexity theory. He received the Best Student Paper Award at STOC 04. In 2007, He was selected by the MIT School of Science for support from the NEC Corporation Fund for research in computers and communications. He received the NSF CAREER in 2009, and the Alfred P. Sloan research fellowship in 2010. In 2011, he was selected by MIT for the Harold E. Edgerton Faculty Achievement Award, given to a junior member of the MIT faculty, for exceptional distinction in teaching, research, and scholarship. In 2013, he received the School of Science's Teaching Prize for Undergraduate Education. He received the Mark Hyman, Jr. Career Development Professorship, July 2015 - June 2018. In July 2020, it was announced that Kelner, jointly with Semyon Dyatlov and CLE Moore Instructor Pei-Ken Hung, received the 2020 MIT Teaching with Digital Technology Award, for enhancing on-campus and remote teaching.