Laurent Demanet

Professor of Applied Mathematics
Professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Phone: (617) 324-2614
Office: 2-247
Laurent Demanet is Professor of Applied Mathematics as of July 2019. He joined the department faculty in 2009 as Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics, promoted to Associate Professor in 2014, and tenured in 2015. His research fields include scientific computing and applied analysis, with particular interest on analysis and algorithms for wave propagation, sparse and separated expansions, and inverse problems. He received the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship and the Air Force Young Investigator Award in 2011. He received a 2012 NSF CAREER award, and in July 2013 received the Class of 1954 Career Development Professorship through June 2016.
Professor Demanet completed the PhD in 2006 at Caltech under Emmanuel Candes, for which he was awarded Caltech's William P. Carey Prize for the best dissertation in the mathematical sciences. Following the doctorate, he was appointed Szegö Assistant Professor at Stanford University, 2006-09.
Open positions in Computational Mathematics