Yihui Quek

Yihui Quek

Postdoctoral Associate

Office: 2-155


Quantum Computing, Complexity Theory, Quantum Noise and Error Correction


The emergence of the first quantum devices will necessitate protocols for benchmarking and characterizing them, or using them to do simple calculations. Often pieced together from physical intuition but lacking rigorous justification, these protocols must be used with a pinch of caution. Bringing notions developed in learning theory and complexity theory to settings that are relevant for physicists, Yihui's research aims to open the black box and shed the light of rigorous mathematical analysis on these near- and intermediate-term proposals. Yihui's interest in quantum was piqued after her senior thesis at MIT under the supervision of Peter Shor. Subsequently she obtained her PhD from Stanford and spent a year in Berlin as a Humboldt Fellow and another year at Harvard as a Harvard Quantum Initiative Postdoctoral Fellow.