Primes Logo 2012 PRIMES Conference

Second Annual PRIMES Conference, May 19-20, 2012

Surya Bhupatiraju
Surya Bhupatiraju

Saturday, May 19

Section I. Mathematics

9:00 am: Welcoming Remarks

  • Prof. Michael Sipser, Head of the MIT Mathematics Department
  • Prof. Pavel Etingof, PRIMES Chief Research Advisor
  • Dr. Slava Gerovitch, PRIMES Program Director

9:15 am: Session 1. Discrete Mathematics I

  • Christina Chen, Apollonian equilateral triangles (mentor Nan Li) ( slides )
  • Rohil Prasad and Jonathan Tidor, Staged self-assembly (mentor Jesse Geneson) ( slides )
  • Dai Yang, Halving lines and underlying graphs (mentor Dr. Tanya Khovanova) ( slides )
Ziling Zhou
Ziling Zhou

10:45 am: Session 2. Discrete Mathematics II

  • Ravi Jagadeesan and Nihal Gowravaram, Beyond alternating permutations: Pattern avoidance in Young diagrams and tableaux (mentor Dr. Joel Lewis) ( slides )
  • William Kuszmaul and Ziling Zhou, Equivalence classes of permutations generated by replacement sets (mentors Darij Grinberg and Sergei Bernstein) ( slides )

11:50 am: Session 3. Discrete Mathematics III

  • Aaron Klein, Enumeration of graded poset structures on graphs (mentor Yan Zhang) ( slides )
  • Alan Zhou, Degrees of regularity of colorings of the integers (mentor Dr. Tanya Khovanova) ( slides )
Saarik Kalia and Michael Zanger-Tishler
Saarik Kalia and Michael Zanger-Tishler

1:30 pm: Session 4. Number Theory

  • Dhroova Aiylam, Modified Farey sequences (mentor Dr. Tanya Khovanova) ( slides )
  • Saarik Kalia and Michael Zanger-Tishler, Schmidt games and a family of anormal numbers (mentor Tue Ly) ( slides )

2:30 pm: Session 5. Representation Theory

  • Sheela Devadas, Modular representations of Cherednik algebras (mentor Steven Sam) ( slides )
  • Fengning (David) Ding, Infinitesimal Cherednik algebras (mentor Sasha Tsymbaliuk) ( slides )
Discussion during the conference

Sunday, May 20

Section II. Computer Science

9:00 am: Welcoming Remarks

  • Prof. Srini Devadas, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Dr. Slava Gerovitch, PRIMES Program Director

9:15 am: Session 6. Algorithms and Complexity

  • Steven Homberg and Eli Sadovnik, Improving the efficiency of fault-tolerant distributed shared-memory algorithms (mentor Dr. Peter Musial) ( slides )
  • Ziv Scully, Efficient calculation of determinants of symbolic matrices with many variables (mentor Dr. Tanya Khovanova) ( slides )
  • Surya Bhupatiraju, On the complexity of the marginal satisfiability problem (mentor Alex Arkhipov) ( slides )
Patrick Long
Patrick Long

10:35 am: Session 7. Programming Languages and Robotics

  • Jesse Klimov and Patrick Long, Jeeves (mentor Jean Yang) ( slides )
  • Chris Kaffine, Comparing NARF and SIFT keypoint extraction algorithms (mentor Jon Brookshire) ( slides )
  • Alexander Sekula, Natural language processing for spoken dialog (mentor William Li) ( slides )

12:40 pm: Session 8. Computational Medicine

  • Dr. Gil Alterovitz, Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Introductory remarks
  • Andrew Xia, Integrated gene expression probabilistic models for cancer staging (mentors Dr. Gil Alterovitz and Dr. Jeremy Warner) ( slides )
  • Skanda Koppula, Prediction-based Bayesian network analysis of gene sets for genome-wide association and expression studies (mentors Dr. Gil Alterovitz and Dr. Amin Zollanvari) ( slides )
  • Peijin Zhang, Identifying Clostridium difficile in the ICU using Bayesian networks (mentors Dr. Gil Alterovitz and Dr. Jeremy Warner) ( slides )

Section III. Computational and Physical Biology

Carolyn Lu
Carolyn Lu

2:00 pm: Session 9.

  • Prof. Leonid Mirny, Division of Health Sciences and Technology and Physics Department, Introductory remarks
  • Hao Shen, Star polymers provide insight on Rabl-like chromosome conformations (mentors Geoffrey Fudenberg and Maxim Imakaev) ( slides )
  • Ashwin Murali, Global positioning of interphase chromosomes mediated by local chromatin interactions (mentors Geoffrey Fudenberg and Maxim Imakaev) ( slides )
  • Boryana Doyle and Carolyn Lu, Local structure of the chromatin fiber arbitrates 3D chromosomal interactions (mentors Geoffrey Fudenberg and Maxim Imakaev) ( slides )


With questions, contact PRIMES Program Director Slava Gerovitch at