2011 PRIMES Conference
9:00 am: Welcoming Remarks
- Prof. Michael Sipser, Chair of the MIT Mathematics Department
- Prof. Pavel Etingof, PRIMES Chief Research Advisor
- Dr. Slava Gerovitch, PRIMES Program Director
9:15 am: Session 1. Dynamic Combinatorics and Geometry
- Xiaoyu He, "Rotor-Routers" (mentor Dr. Tanya Khovanova) ( slides )
- Ziv Scully, "Progress on the parallel chip-firing problem" (mentor Yan Zhang) ( slides )
- Christina Chen, "Hiding behind and hiding inside" (mentor Dr. Tanya Khovanova) ( slides )
10:15 am:
- Coffee break
10:30 am: Session 2. Combinatorics and Number Theory
- Aaron Klein, "Counting matrices with restricted positions by rank over finite fields" (mentor Alejandro Morales) ( slides )
- Caroline Ellison, "Polynomial coefficients over finite fields" (mentor Giorgia Fortuna) ( slides )
- Saarik Kalia, "Fibonacci numbers and continued fractions" (mentor Dr. Tanya Khovanova) ( slides )
11:30 am:
- Coffee break

11:45 am: Session 3. Representation Theory I
- Sheela Devadas and Carl Lian, "Modular representations of Cherednik algebras associated to symmetric groups" (mentor Steven Sam) ( slides )
- Fengning Ding, "Infinitesimal Cherednik algebras" (mentor Sasha Tsymbaliuk) ( slides )
12:30 pm:
- Lunch break
1:45 pm: Session 4. Representation Theory II: Computer Algebra Lab Projects
- Masahiro Namiki, "Determinant formulas for quantum GL(N)" (mentor David Jordan) ( slides )
- Surya Bhupatiraju, William Kuszmaul, and Jason Li, "Lower central series of associative algebras in characteristic p" (mentor David Jordan) ( slides )
- Michael Zhang and Yongyi Chen, "Poisson homology in characteristic p" (mentor David Jordan) ( slides )
2:45 pm:
- Coffee break

3:00 pm: Session 5. Computational Biology
- Dash Elhauge and Andrew Kim, "Modeling the role of cell fusion in cancer development" (mentor Christopher McFarland) ( slides )
- Stephanie Palocz, "Segregation of Ring Polymers: What is the Importance of Entropy in the Bacterial Nucleus" (mentors Geoffrey Fudenberg and Maxim Imakaev) ( slides )
- Sylvia Hürlimann, "The Structure of DNA in E. Coli" (mentors Geoffrey Fudenberg and Maxim Imakaev) ( slides )
- Dong-Gil Shin, "Scaffold Assisted Chromosome Condensation: Molecular Dynamics Simulations" (mentors Geoffrey Fudenberg and Maxim Imakaev) ( slides )
- Campbell Hewett, "Simulating Supercoiling in Prokaryotic DNA" (mentors Geoffrey Fudenberg and Maxim Imakaev) ( slides , video for slide #12 )
With questions, contact PRIMES Program Director Slava Gerovitch at