Directory: Postdocs

Office: 2-241

Postdoctoral Associate

Analysis & PDEs

Mathematical physics, spectral geometry and analysis, quantum graphs.

Office: 2-174

Postdoctoral Associate

(617) 253-4986

Office: 2-241

Postdoctoral Associate

Probability & Statistics

Integrable Probability

Office: 2-238A

Postdoctoral Associate

Office: 2-246C

Postdoctoral Associate

Postdoctoral Fellow

Office: 2-178

Instructor in Mathematics

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow

Representation Theory

Representation theory, Link homology

Office: 2-155

Postdoctoral Associate

Office: 2-252B

C.L.E. Moore Instructor

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow

Probability & Statistics

Probability theory, Yang-Mills

Office: 2-246B

Croucher Postdoctoral Fellow


Analysis & PDEs Geometry

Differential Geometry and Partial Differential Equations

Office: 2-241

Postdoctoral Associate

Office: 2-155

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow

Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Representation Theory

Algebraic Geometry, Representation Theory

Office: 2-252B

C.L.E. Moore Instructor

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow

Analysis & PDEs

Analysis, Whitney-type Extension Problems, Convexity

Digital Learning Postdoctoral Associate

Instructor in Mathematics

Office: 2-347

Postdoctoral Associate

Computational Biology Physical Applied Mathematics Mathematics of Data

Theoretical Biophysics, Mathematical Modeling

Office: 2-178

Postdoctoral Associate

Probability & Statistics Theoretical Computer Science

Algorithms, Learning Theory, Probability Theory, Networks

Office: 2-174

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow

Algebra & Algebraic Geometry

Commutative Algebra and Semigroup Theory (in connection to Number Theory and Combinatorics)

Office: 2-246C

C.L.E. Moore Instructor

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow

Analysis & PDEs

Mathematical physics, partial differential equations, probability

Office: 2-238B


Postdoctoral Associate

Algebraic Topology

Applied Algebraic Topology, Symplectic Geometry, Topological Data Analysis

Office: 2-174

Postdoctoral Associate

Probability & Statistics Combinatorics

Algebraic Combinatorics, Asymptotic Combinatorics, Combinatorial Inequalities, Probability, Statistics

Office: 2-350B

Instructor in Applied Mathematics

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow

Probability & Statistics Mathematics of Data

High dimensional statistics, Bayesian inference

Postdoctoral Associate

Office: 2-238A

Postdoctoral Fellow


Gauge Theory, Topology

(609) 933-8491

Office: 2-241

Clay Mathematics Institute Research Fellow


Differential Geometry

Office: 2-252B

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow

Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Number Theory Representation Theory

Arithmetic Geometry, Langlands Program

Office: 2-177

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow

Analysis & PDEs Geometry Physical Applied Mathematics

Minimal Surfaces, Physical Knot Theory, Dynamical Systems

Office: 2-174

Instructor in Mathematics

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow


Extremal and additive combinatorics

Digital Learning Postdoctoral Associate


Office: 2-167

Instructor in Mathematics

Simons Postdoctoral Fellow

Analysis & PDEs

Harmonic analysis, decoupling and restriction theory, extremization problems

Office: 2-180

Instructor in Mathematics

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow


Differential Geometry and Partial Differential Equations

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow

Office: 2-180

Instructor in Mathematics

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow


Symplectic geometry, Floer theory, and pseudoholomorphic curves

Postdoctoral Associate

Theoretical Computer Science

Quantum computation, cryptography

Postdoctoral Fellow

Office: 2-155

Postdoctoral Associate

Combinatorics Theoretical Computer Science Mathematics of Data

Quantum Computing, Complexity Theory, Quantum Noise and Error Correction

Office: 2-347

Postdoctoral Associate

Office: 2-238A

Instructor in Mathematics

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow

Algebraic Topology

Homotopy Theory, Arithmetic Geometry

Office: 2-178

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow

Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Number Theory Representation Theory

Number theory, representation theory of p-adic groups, algebraic geometry

Office: 2-238A

Postdoctoral Associate

Probability & Statistics

Probability, Statistics, Machine Learning

Office: 2-246A

Postdoctoral Associate

Probability & Statistics Theoretical Computer Science

Statistical inference, network cascades, graph algorithms, graph matching

Office: 2-232C

C.L.E. Moore Instructor

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow

Office: 2-238A

Instructor in Mathematics

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow

Representation Theory

Noncommutative Algebra, Representation Theory, Tensor Triangular Geometry.

Office: 2-252B

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow


Low-dimensional topology, Floer theory, and categorification

Office: 2-232C

C.L.E. Moore Instructor

Postdoctoral Fellow

Algebra & Algebraic Geometry

Algebraic Geometry, Representation Theory, Geometric Langlands

Office: 2-238A

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow

Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Number Theory Representation Theory

Number Theory, Automorphic Forms, Diophantine Geometry

Office: 2-238B

Postdoctoral Associate
