Anirudh Sridhar

Anirudh Sridhar

Instructor in Mathematics

Postdoctoral Associate

Office: 2-246A


Statistical inference, network cascades, graph algorithms, graph matching


Ani is an incoming Postdoctoral Associate in the Math department, starting July 2023. Currently, he is completing his PhD in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at Princeton, where he is advised by Miklós Z. Rácz and H. Vincent Poor. Previously, he completed his Bachelor’s degree at Carnegie Mellon University.

Broadly, his research interests are in the modeling and inference of networked systems. Specific areas of recent study include inference tasks concerning network cascades and correlated graphs.

His awards include a Yan Huo *94 Graduate Fellowship in Electrical Engineering in 2022, and he was a finalist for the INFORMS Applied Probability Society's Best Student Paper Award in 2020 for his work on correlated randomly growing graphs.