Simons Lecture Series

2016 Lectures

Michael P. Brenner

Harvard University

April 25-27


Adventures in Applied Mathematics

  • Lecture 1: Monday, April 25, Room 2-190

    Towards artificial living materials

  • Lecture 2: Tuesday, April 26, Room 2-190

    Potential singularity mechanisms in the Euler equations

  • Lecture 3: Wednesday, April 27, Room 2-190

    Linear algebra and the shape of bird beaks

Maryam Mirzakhani's Lectures have been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Simons Lecture Poster 2016
Simons Lecture Poster 2016

Simons Lectures Over the Years

2025: Maryna Viazovska, Thomas Vidick

2024: Elon Lindenstrauss, Lenka Zdeborova

2022: Bhargav Bhatt, Cynthia Dwork

2020: (postponed) Bhargav Bhatt, Cynthia Dwork

2019: June Huh, Alexander Barvinok

2018: Stephen Boyd, Sylvia Serfaty

2017: Yuval Peres, Martin Hairer

2016: Michael P. Brenner, Maryam Mirzakhani (cancelled due to illness)

2015: Leslie Greengard, Laure Saint-Raymond

2014: Daniel Spielman, Ben Green

2013: Emmanuel Candès, Raphaël Rouquier

2012: Alexander Lubotzky, László Lovász

2011: Steven Strogatz, Manjul Bhargava

2010: Peter Winkler, Andrei Okounkov

2009: Étienne Ghys, Robert Shapire

2008: Peter Teichner, John Conway

2007: Terry Tao, David Donoho

2006: Akshay Venkatesh, Yves Couder

2005: Noga Alon, Nigel Hitchin

2004: Wendelin Werner

2003: Grigory Perelman

2002: Robert MacPherson

2001 Fall: Peter Shor

2001 Spring: Laurent Lafforgue