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Communicating with Students (and Course Staff)
Communicating Expectations to Students
Start first communication with empathy for the new normal everyone is experiencing. Let students know that you are available to hear what they need, and to let you know what you can do to help.
Recommendations for new study skills for the new structure
If you have pre-recorded lectures:
Where they can find the lectures?
When they will be posted each week?
If you give live online lectures:
What time classes will be?
What is the link to access the conference room?
Where and when can links to recorded sessions be found?
When and how will office hours/recitations be held?
What are your expectations for due dates?
How will assignments be turned in?
How can the students contact you?
What discussion forums are you planning to use, and what are your expectations for how students use them?
Send Weekly Emails to Students
Try using lots of exclamation points and smiley faces so that your emails feel positive!! :-)
Note lecture times and links / lecture video posting times and links
Updates to assignments, due dates, exams etc.
Office hours / Recitations
Email Teaching Assistants and Graduate Student Graders
Online teaching has more pieces. Make it clear to TAs if there are additional responsibilities they will have for your class
Make sure they feel free to talk to you about challenges they are experiencing, and be willing to help
Consider setting up weekly meetings with TAs
Explain changes in calendar
Partner with TAs about teaching recitations and office hours via Zoom
Give clear assignments and expectations for TAs to help manage discussion forums (Piazza / Slack / Stellar)
Explain processes for how homeworks will be graded now (if there is any difference)
Explain processes for how exams will be graded now
Email Undergraduate Graders
Hope they are staying safe and healthy, and to let you know if they will have any challenges in completing electronic grading remotely
Explain how homework grading is changing (if at all)
Clarify changes in homework schedule (if any)