Application for Student Jobs in Mathematics
(Spring 2025)

UTA application deadline: November 30th

MENG applicants should NOT use this form to apply for positions. Please email your application directly to Theresa Cummings at . Include an updated CV, Experience and Preferences.

Graders, UA’s, Mentors and Tutors, please apply by January 15th. We will, however, review incoming applications until all positions are filled.

First Name:
Last Name:

(Note: If You Not A Math Major, Please Be Sure To Include A Grade Report With This Application)

Have you completed your I-9 documentation? (
Prior MIT Experience
(select all that apply):

If you selected any of the above, please list the class(es) or programs in which you had this experience:

Other Experience
(please describe any other relevant experience):

Ranking Your Choices


Rank your interest in GRADER positions from “1” to “Not Interested” where 1 = most interested, 4 = you would accept, but you’re not as interested. If you would NOT accept an offer of a Grader position, please select “Not Interested.”

List the specific class(es) you’re interested in Grading:
Select from dropdown or type and press enter to add your own answer(s)

Select how many hours per week you are available to work


Rank your interest in a UA role from “1” to “Not Interested” where 1 = most interested, 4 = you would accept, but you’re not as interested. If you would NOT accept an offer, please select “Not Interested.”

List the specific class(es) you’re interested in serving as a UA:
Select from dropdown or type and press enter to add your own answer(s)

Select how many hours per week you are available to work


NOTE: We will only consider you for a UTA position if you submit this form by July 1st

Rank your interest in a UTA role from “1” to “Not Interested” where 1 = most desired, 4 = you would accept, but you’re not as interested. If you would NOT accept an offer, please select “Not Interested.”

List the specific class(es) in which you’re interested in serving as UTA:
Select from dropdown or type and press enter to add your own answer(s)


Rank your interest in serving as MLC Tutor from “1” to “Not Interested” where 1 = most desired, 4 = you would accept, but you’re not as interested. If you would NOT accept an offer, please select “Not Interested.”

List the specific classes in which you have proven mastery of the subject:
Select from dropdown or type and press enter to add your own answer(s)

Confidentiality Agreement

Grade Report

If you are not a current Math Major, to have your application considered you must upload a copy of your most recent and complete grade report here.

Max Total File Size: 2M
(If your file is larger, please email your grade report to )


(Please use this space to provide other information that would help us make the best possible job assignment for you, including scheduling constraints, etc.)