Here is a PDF of the syllabus for the 2014 Talbot workshop (subject to change). This includes detailed talk descriptions and references.
Northwestern University has been conducting a seminar in preparation for the Talbot workshop. Here is the seminar website, which will include some notes once the seminar gets going.
The MIT pre-Talbot seminar webpage can be found here, although its audience is smaller and its schedule less ambitious than its Northwestern counterpart.
The talk schedule is as follows.
Introduction and overview, by Brad Drew and Marc Levine (Duisburg-Essen). Amelia's notes.
Model categories, by Vivian Bailey (UCLA). Amelia's notes.
Quasicategories, by Meng Guo (Harvard). Amelia's notes.
Basic constructions with quasicategories, by Michael Catanzaro (Wayne State). Amelia's notes.
Localization and the unstable motivic $(\infty, 1)$-category, by Jay Shah (MIT). Amelia's notes.
Symmetric monoidal $(\infty,1)$-categories and the stable motivic $(\infty, 1)$-category, by Amelia Perry (MIT). Amelia's notes.
Symmetric spectra, by Irina Bobkova (Northwestern). Amelia's notes.
Etale classifying spaces and representability of algebraic K-theory, by Paul VanKoughnett (Northwestern). Paul's notes, Amelia's notes.
The purity theorem and consequences, by Marc Hoyois (Northwestern). Amelia's notes.
Morel's $\A^1$-connectivity theorem and homotopy t-structures, by Florian Strunk (Regensburg). Amelia's notes.
Endmorphisms of the sphere spectrum, by David Yang (MIT). Amelia's notes.
Introduction to algebraic cobordism and oriented theories, by Adeel Khan (Duisburg-Essen). Amelia's notes.
Conference hike.
Universality of MGL, by Ben Knudsen (Northwestern). Amelia's notes.
Landweber exactness, by Marc Levine (Duisburg-Essen). Amelia's notes.
The slices of a Landweber exact theory, by Lorenzo Mantovani (Duisburg-Essen). Amelia's notes.
Stable homotopy groups of spheres and their motivic analogue over $\operatorname{Spec}(\C)$, by Zhouli Xu (Chicago). Amelia's notes.
The theorem of Hopkins-Morel, Part I, by Lukas Brantner (Harvard). Lukas's notes.
The theorem of Hopkins-Morel, Part II, by David White (Wesleyan). Amelia's notes.
The theorem of Hopkins-Morel, Part III, by Dylan Wilson (Northwestern). Amelia's notes.
Geometric aspects of algebraic cobordism, by Brian Hwang (Caltech). Amelia's notes.
Future directions and discussion session, by Brad Drew and Marc Levine (Duisburg-Essen). Amelia's notes.