Course website for 18.089, Summer 2009

Instructor information and contact

Name: Joel Lewis
This page is the archived version of a class taught in 2009. For information about current or future versions of this class, please contact the appropriate office in the math department.

Course meeting place/time

June 2 to June 5: 9 AM - 12:30 PM in room 12-142
June 8 to July 10: MTWR: 12:30 - 2:30 PM, F: 12 - 2 PM, in room 2-132

Note that class meets every weekday except Friday, July 3.

I will hold office hours every Tuesday and Thursday from 4 - 5 PM in my office, 2-333.

Basic course data

Overview: This course is intended as a review of single- and multi-variable calculus for students who already have some familiarity with calculus. The first week will be a fast-paced review of single-variable calculus (18.01). The remaining five weeks will cover multi-variable calculus (18.02).
Text: George F. Simmons, Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 2nd edition.


There will be four exams and regular homework assignments. The first exam was Friday, June 5, 9 AM. The second was Wednesday, June 17. The third will be Tuesday, June 30 and the last will be Friday, July 10 (the last day of class).

Brief solutions to the penultimate problem set are available here.

The current (7/08) version of the problems for homework, beginning with question 88, is here (.pdf). The older problems are available here (.pdf) (numbers 1 to 49) and here (.pdf) (numbers 50 to 87).

Lecture summaries and notes

If possible, I will keep this updated with a brief summary of topics covered in each lecture.