Note that class meets every weekday except Friday, July 3.
I will hold office hours every Tuesday and Thursday from 4 - 5 PM in my office, 2-333.
There will be four exams and regular homework assignments. The first exam was Friday, June 5, 9 AM. The second was Wednesday, June 17. The third will be Tuesday, June 30 and the last will be Friday, July 10 (the last day of class).
The current (7/08) version of the problems for homework, beginning with question 88, is here (.pdf). The older problems are available here (.pdf) (numbers 1 to 49) and here (.pdf) (numbers 50 to 87).
- 1. Functional notation. Limits. Definition of a derivative. Computing derivatives from the definition. Differentiation rules (nth power, constant multiple, sum, product, chain, quotient). Higher derivatives. Graphing (increasing, decreasing, local extrema, inflection points). 2nd derivative test. Tangent lines/linear approximations. Implicit differentiation. Max-min problems. Related rates problems.
Simmons 1.1-6, 2.1-4, 3.1-3, 3.5-6, 4.1-5, 5.1-2.
Lecture notes 1 (.pdf)
- 2. Basic properties exponential functions and logarithms. The number e, the exponential function and the natural logarithm. Derivatives of exponential and logarithmic functions. Radian measure. Basic properties of trigonometric functions. A few special values and identities. Trigonometric limits and derivatives. Inverse trigonometric functions and their derivatives. Antidifferentiation basics. Antidifferentiation by substitution (relationship to chain rule). Trigonometric substitutions. Completing the square. Polynomial long-division.
Simmons 1.7, 2.5, 3.4, 5.3, 8.1-4, 9.1-5, 10.1-5 (but you can ignore the bits about definite integration for now).
Lecture notes 2 (.pdf)
- 3. Derivative and integral of the secant function. The method of partial fractions. Definite integration and the Fundamental Theorems of Calculus. Basic properties of definite integrals. Definite integrals and integration by substitution. Computing area between a single curve and the x-axis. Computing areas bounded between two curves. Arclength.
Simmons 6.1-7, 7.1-2, 7.5, 10.1-5 (just for the bits about definite integration, especially 10.2), 10.6.
Lecture notes 3 (.pdf) (I'm still trying to figure out how to make the scan quality better -- if I succeed, I may update these files & let you know in class.)
- 4. Areas by integrating with respect to y. Solids of rotation. The disk, shell and washer methods. Pappus' Theorem. Hyperbolic functions.
Simmons 7.3-4, 9.7, 11.1-3.
Lecture notes 4 (.pdf)
- 5. Surface area of solids of revolution. Integration by parts and reduction formulas. Indeterminant forms and L'Hopital's rule.
Simmons 7.6, 10.7, 12.1-3.
Lecture notes 5 (.pdf) (Are these scans more readable? Let me know in class if it's an improvement.)
- 6. Improper integrals: definition as a limit; p-test; comparison test and limit comparison test; infinite height versus infinite width. Series: the geometric series (finite and infinite); the n-th term test; the harmonic series; the comparison test and limit comparison test; telescoping series.
Simmons 12.4, 13.1-5.
Lecture notes 6 (.pdf)
- 7. Vectors: geometric and algebraic definition (2 and 3 dimensions). Addition, multiplication by a scalar. Unit vectors. Dot product: definition and basic properties. Determinants. Checkerboard rule and computing determinants of small sizes. Determinants and area/volume. Cross product: definition and basic properties.
Simmons 17.3, 18.1-3.
Lecture notes 7 (.pdf)
- 8. Matrices. Matrix operations (multiplication, addition, determinant). The identity matrix. Computing matrix inverses.
Simmons doesn't have any content on this topic. You might try looking at OCW to see if they have relevant materials in 18.02 if you're interested. (The linear algebra classes 18.06 should cover what we discussed in much greater depth.)
Lecture notes 8 (.pdf)
- 9. Integral test. Alternating series test. Root and ratio tests. Introduction to power series.
Simmons 13.6-8, 14.1-2.
Lecture notes 9 (.pdf)
- 10. Power series. Radius of convergence. Computing power series of a given function. Computing with power series (addition, multiplication, substitution, differentiation and integration of power series). Applications of power series. Taylor series (power series not centered at 0).
Simmons 14.2-4, 14.6-7.
Lecture notes 10 and 11 and 12 (.pdf)
- 11. Exam review. Equations of lines in 3D space: parametric and symmetric. Equations of planes in 3D space. Normal vector to a plane. Finding the intersection of a line with a plane.
Simmons 18.4.
Lecture notes 10 and 11 and 12 (.pdf)
- 12. Parametric equations of curves on the plane and in space. Vector functions. Velocity. Speed.
Simmons 17.1, 17.4.
Lecture notes 10 and 11 and 12 (.pdf)
- 13. Acceleration. Getting rectangular equations from parametric equations. The cycloid. Brief discussion of functions of more than one variable.
Simmons 17.2, 19.1. Completely optional but possibly of interest: 17.6-7. (17.7 explains how Newton's theory of universal gravitation can be used to prove Kepler's laws of planetary motion.)
Lecture notes 13 and 14(.pdf)
- 14. Functions of several (usually 2) variables. Graphing. Level curves and contour plots. Partial derivatives. Second partials. The equality of mixed partials. The chain rule for partial derivatives. The gradient. Tangent planes.
Simmons 19.1-3, 19.5-6.
Lecture notes 13 and 14 (.pdf)
- 15. Linear approximations. Directional derivatives. Maximizing and minimizing functions of several variables. The second derivative test.
Simmons 19.5, 19.7.
Lecture notes 15 and 16 (.pdf)
- 16. Best-fit lines. Maximizing and minimizing functions subject to constraints. Lagrange multipliers.
Simmons 19.8.
Lecture notes 15 and 16 (.pdf)
- 17. Iterated and double integrals. Applications.
Simmons 20.1-3.
Lecture notes 17 (.pdf)
- 18. Polar coordinates.
Simmons 16.1-5.
Lecture notes 18 (.pdf)
- 19. Double integrals in polar coordinates. Triple integrals. Cylindrical coordinates.
Simmons 20.4-6.
Lecture notes 19 (.pdf)
- 20 and 21. Spherical coordinates and gravitational attraction.
Simmons 20.7.
Lecture notes 20, 21 and 22 (.pdf)
- 22. Line integrals. Path independence. Conservative fields. Fundamental Theorem of Line Integrals.
Simmons 21.1-2.
Lecture notes 20, 21 and 22 (.pdf)
- 23. Green's Theorem.
Simmons 21.3.
Lecture notes 23 (.pdf)
- 24. Line integrals and flux. Conservative fields in three dimensions. Computing the scalar field associated to a conservative field. A "checkable" condition for conservative fields.
Lecture notes 24 (.pdf) (don't exist yet)
- 25. Div and curl. The differential operator "del." Flux and the Divergence Theorem.
Simmons 21.4.
Lecture notes 25 (.pdf) (don't exist yet)