Monday, June 23
8:30-9:90 pick up of Registration paquet
9:00-10:00 Phil Hanlon and Curtis Greene
The legend of Richard Stanley , slides
10:00-10:30 COFFEE
10:30-11:00 Thomas Lam
Truncations of Stanley symmetric functions and amplituhedron cells , slides
11:10-11:40 Bruce Sagan
Factoring the Characteristic Polynomial of a Poset , slides
11:50-12:20 Bridget Tenner
Fingerprinting Richard Stanley , slides
12:30-2:15 lunch break
2:15-2:45 Sergi Elizalde
Two EC tidbits , slides
2:55-3:25 Taedong Yun
Diagrams of Affine Permutations and Their Labellings , slides
3:25-4:00 COFFEE
4:00-4:30 Glenn Tesler
Assembling the genome of gingivitis from a single cell , slides
4:40-5:10 Vic Reiner, Alejandro Morales slides, Timothy Chow slides
6:30-9:30 Banquet

Tuesday, June 24
9:00-9:30 Nan Li
Cutting Polytopes , slides
9:40-10:10 Lauren Williams
The Toda lattice and Bruhat interval polytopes ,slides
10:10-10:40 COFFEE
10:40-11:10 John Stembridge
Generalized stability of Kronecker coefficients , slides
11:20-11:50 Greta Panova
The Kronecker coefficients: an unexpected journey
12:00-12:30 Michelle Wachs
Chromatic quasisymmetric functions, Eulerian numbers, and Hessenberg varieties
12:30-2:15 LUNCH
2:15-2:45 Ira Gessel
P-partitions , slides
2:55-3:25 Edward Early
Character Polynomials ,slides
3:25-4:00 COFFEE
4:00-4:30 Igor Pak
Can irrational tilings give Catalan numbers? ,slides
4:40-5:10 Art Duval slides, Peter McNamara slides, Jim Propp slides

Wednesday, June 25
9:00-9:30 Anders Björner
Cohen-Macaulay complexes revisited ,slides
9:40-10:10 Takayuki Hibi
Stanley's Influence on Monomial Ideals , slides
10:10-10:30 COFFEE
10:30-11:00 Karola Mészáros
h-polynomials of triangulations of flow polytopes , slides
11:10-11:40 George Andrews
Partitions with fixed difference between largest and smallest parts , slides
11:45-1:30 LUNCH
1:30-6:00 Shan-Yuan Ho, Peter Winkler, Allen Knutson-Gregg Warrington
Ping-pong tournament, puzzles and juggling

Thursday, June 26
9:00-9:30 Francesco Brenti
Peak algebras, paths in the Bruhat graph, and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials
9:40-10:10 Steven V Sam
Growth of ideals in subword posets , notes
10:10-10:40 COFFEE
10:40-11:10 Louis Billera
Even more intriguing, if rather less plausible... , slides
11:20-11:50 Patricia Hersh
Posets that are homotopy equivalent to a ball or a sphere , slides
12:00-2:15 LUNCH
2:15-2:45 Einar Steingrimsson
Topology of the permutation pattern poset , slides
2:55-3:25 Bo Yin Yang
Comparative Cryptanalytic Complexity of System-Solving, an EC1 Exercise
3:25-3:55 COFFEE
3:55-4:25 Yan Zhang
Patterns in the Chip-firing game
4:35-5:05 Tom Roby
Rowmotion, Classical and Birational ,slides (needs Adobe reader)
5:15-5:35 Federico Ardila slides, Carly Klivans

Friday, June 27
9:00-9:30 Christine Bessenrodt
Weighted walks around dissected polygons ,slides
9:40-10:10 Mark Skandera
Evaluation of Hecke algebra traces at Kazhdan-Lusztig basis elements , slides
10:10-10:40 COFFEE
10:40-11:10 Rosena Du
Bijective Enumerations on Humps and Peaks in (k,a)-paths and (n,m)-Dyck paths , slides
11:20-11:50 Gabor Hetyei
Real-rootedness results for triangulation operations inspired by the Tchebyshev polynomials , slides
12:00-12:30 Sergey Fomin
Subtraction-free complexity
12:30-2:15 LUNCH
2:15-2:45 Karen Collins
Split graphs and counting NG-graphs
2:55-3:25 Camilla Smith Barnes
Shuffles of Permutations
3:25-4:00 COFFEE
4:00-4:30 Alex Postnikov
Slicing permutohedra and zonotopes
4:40-5:10 Richard P. Stanley
Wishful thinking as a proof technique , slides