Juvitop Seminar
Fall 2020
In Fall 2020, Juvitop was about The Coboridsm Hypothesis after Hopkins-Lurie.Discussion sections will be on Tuesdays at 3:30pm. Times are EST.
On the Classification of Topological Field Theories by J. Lurie
Higher-dimensional Algebra and Topological Quantum Field Theory by J. Baez and J. Dolan
The Cobordism Hypothesis by D. Freed
Topological Quantum Field Theory and the Cobordism Hypothesis by J. Lurie
Topological Field Theories by M. Hopkins
Araminta Amabel
What does the cobordism hypothesis say? Why did anyone ever hypothesize it? This talk is based on pages 2-15 of Lurie's paper. We introduce Atiyah's definition of a topological field theory and examine what data a TFT provides in dimensions 1 and 2. Using these examples, we motivate Baez and Dolan's Cobordism Hypothesis.
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Miscellaneous tutorial on $\infty$-categories by D. Wilson
Chapter 1, Section 4 of Factorization Algebras in Quantum Field Theory by K. Costello and O. Gwilliam
Chapter 3 of Lectures on Factorization Homology, $\infty$-Categories, and Topological Field Theories by A. Amabel, A. Kalmykov, L. Müller, and H. Tanaka
2-Dimensional Topological Field Theories by N. Wahl
TQFTs and Higher Categories by C. Scheimbauer
A Factorization View on States/Observables in Topological Field Theories by C. Scheimbauer
Topological Field Theories in Homotopy Theory by U. Tillmann
We'll discuss examples that came up in last week's talk and some new material from pages 15-24 of Lurie's paper. This includes comparing models of field theories, defining strict n-categories, and some ∞-category basics.
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Adrian Clough
Pages 24-34 of Lurie's paper
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Factorization Homology as a Fully Extended Topological Field Theory by C. Scheimbauer
A Note on the $(\infty,n)$-Category of Bordisms by D. Calaque and C. Scheimbauer
Pages 34-38 of Lurie's paper
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Jackson Van Dyke
Guided by what we know about finite-dimensional vector spaces, we will first define the notion of a dualizable object in any monoidal category. Then, guided by what we know about adjoint functors, we will define a notion of duality for 1-morphisms in any 2-category. With these two definitions in hand, we will define what it means for an object of a monoidal (∞,n)-category to be k-dualizable.
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Dualizability in Low-Dimensional Higher Category Theory by C. Schommer-Pries
On dualizable objects in monoidal bicategories, framed surfaces and the Cobordism Hypothesis by P. Pstragowski
Duality Notes by D. Culver and M. Faulk
Discussion Section
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Kiran Luecke
In this talk I will present some versions of the Cobordism Hypothesis. Together we will ponder what they are really saying.
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Mumford's Conjecture - A Topological Outlook by U. Tillmann
The Homotopy Type of the Cobordism Category by S. Galatius, I. Madsen, U. Tillmann, and M. Weiss
Nat Pacheco-Tallaj
Pages 48-51 of Lurie's paper
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Ishan Levy
I will sketch the main ingredients of each step of the proof of the cobordism hypothesis.
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Pages 52-57 of Lurie's paper
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Lucy Yang
I will discuss the strategy for reducing the cobordism hypothesis for manifolds with (X,zeta)-structure to the cobordism hypothesis for Bord_n (i.e. with structure group O(n)).
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Discussion Section
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Micah Darrell
Pages 61-70 of Lurie's paper
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Discussion Section
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The space of framed functions by K. Igusa
The space of framed functions is contractible by Y. Eliashberg and N. Mishachev
Three applications of delooping to $h$-principles by A. Kupers
Dylan Wilson
Pages 70-79 of Lurie's paper
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NO Discussion Section (go vote instead)
To be determined
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Peter Haine
Pages 79-86 of Lurie's paper
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Discussion Section
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The Cobordism Hypothesis by D. Ayala and J. Francis
Section 5.5 of Higher Algebra by J. Lurie
Factorizationhomology and the Cobordism Hypothesis by J. Francis
$E_n$-Algebras, Extended Topological Field Theories and Dualizability by C. Scheimbauer
Tashi Walde
Recall the definition of E_n-algebras and define topological chiral homology. Describe the class of TFTs that can be produced using topological chiral homology. Formulate a version of the cobordism hypothesis in terms of topological chiral homology (Theorem 4.1.24).
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Factorization homology of topological manifolds by D. Ayala and J. Francis
Geometry of iterated loop spaces by J.P. May
Factorization Homology Miniature Seminar organized by A. Amabel and P. Haine
Discussion Section: factorization homology
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Topological conformal field theories and Calabi-Yau categories by K. Costello
Section 5.5 of String Topology by M. Chas and D. Sullivan
Adela Zhang
"Discuss some consequences of the cobordism hypothesis and related results in the case of manifolds of dimension 1 and 2. [...] Relate the contents of this paper to the work of Costello and to the Chas-Sullivan theory of string topology operations on the homology of loop spaces of manifolds"
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Will Stewart
"Describe a generalization of the cobordism hypothesis, which gives a geometric description of symmetric monoidal (∞, n)-categories (again assumed to have duals) having more complicated presentations."
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Local structures on stratified spaces by D. Ayala, J. Francis, and H. Tanaka
Section A.5 of Higher Algebra by J. Lurie
On the homotopy theory of stratified spaces by P. Haine
Discussion Section
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The Tangle Hypothesis by C. Schommer-Pries
The 1-dimensional tangle hypothesis by D. Ayala
Morgan Opie
Use the material from the previous talk "to sketch a proof of a version of the Baez-Dolan tangle hypothesis, which characterizes (∞, n)-categories of embedded bordisms and can be regarded as an “unstable” version of the cobordism hypothesis."
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This seminar was organized by Araminta Amabel, Peter Haine, and Lucy Yang.