Lecturer: Kiril Datchev, room 2-230, datchev@math.mit.edu.
Class meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00-2:30 in room 4-163.
Textbook: Walter Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis.
Recommended reading: G. H. Hardy, A Course of Pure Mathematics. Edmund Landau, Foundations of Analysis. Tom M. Apostol, Mathematical Analysis.
Office hours: My office hours are Tuesdays 2:30-4:00 in room 2-101 and Wednesdays 10:00-11:00 in room 2-102. The teaching assistant, Michael Andrews, has office hours Wednesdays 5:30-7:30 in room 2-492. Students are also welcome to attend the office hours of Hamid Hezari and Kyle Ormsby, which are listed here.
Grading is based on:
Problem sets are due Thursdays at 4:00 in room 2-108. Late problem sets are not accepted. Hand in the three parts of the assignment separately, and indicate whether you are registered for 18.100B or 18.100C on each part.
Problem set 1 due September 15th. Solutions.
Problem set 2 due September 22nd. Solutions.
Problem set 3 due September 29th. Solutions.
Review sheet for the first midterm.
Problem set 4 due October 13th. Solutions.
Problem set 5 due October 20th. Solutions.
Problem set 6 due October 27th. Solutions.
Problem set 7 due November 3rd. Solutions.
Review sheet for the second midterm.
Problem set 8 due November 17th. Solutions.
Problem set 9 due December 1st. Solutions.
Problem set 10 due December 8th. Solutions.
Review sheet for the final.
There will be many extra office hours for the week from Tuesday 12/13 to Monday 12/19: I will have office hours Tuesday 2:30-4 in 2-101, Wednesday 10-11 in 2-102, and Monday 4:30-6:30 in 2-102. Michael will have office hours Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11:30-1 in 2-492. Hamid will have office hours Tuesday 11-12 in 2-363B, Wednesday 1-2 in 2-363B, and Monday 6:30-8:30 in 2-102. Phew!
Schedule | ||
Date | Pages | Topics |
9/8 | 1 – 12 | ordered sets, fields, real numbers |
9/13 | 12 – 26 | complex numbers, Euclidean spaces, functions, finite and infinite sets |
9/15 | 26 – 34 | countable and uncountable sets, metric spaces |
9/20 | 34 – 36 | open and closed sets |
9/22 | 36 – 38 | compact sets |
9/27 | 38 – 40 | the Heine-Borel theorem, the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem |
9/29 | 40 – 43 | perfect sets, the Cantor set, connected sets |
10/4 | 1 – 46 | Midterm on Chapters 1 and 2 |
10/6 | 47 – 54 | sequences, convergence, Cauchy sequences |
10/13 | 54 – 60 | completeness, monotonic sequences, upper and lower limits, series, comparison test |
10/18 | 60 – 65 | series of nonnegative terms, the number e |
10/20 | 65 – 72 | root and ratio tests, power series, conditional and absolute convergence |
10/25 | 83 – 90 | continuous functions, continuity and compactness |
10/27 | 90 – 97 | uniform continuity, continuity and connectedness, monotonic functions |
11/1 | 103 – 109 | differentiation, mean value theorems |
11/3 | 109 – 113 | l'Hospital's rule, Taylor's theorem |
11/8 | 47 – 119 | Midterm on Chapters 3, 4 and 5 |
11/10 | 120 – 127 | the Riemann-Stieltjes integral |
11/15 | 128 – 137 | properties of the integral, fundamental theorem of calculus, rectifiable curves |
11/17 | 140 – 148 | sequences and series of functions, pointwise and uniform convergence |
11/22 | 148 – 154 | uniform convergence, continuity and differentiation |
11/29 | 154 – 158 | equicontinuous families of functions, the Arzelà-Ascoli theorem |
12/1 | 159 – 165 | the Stone-Weierstrass theorem |
12/6 | 172 – 178 | functions given by power series |
12/8 | 178 – 184 | exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions |
12/13 | 185 – 192 | Fourier series |
12/20 | 1 – 192 | Final Exam on Chapters 1 – 8 |