Talbot 2013: Chromatic Homotopy Theory
Mentored by Mark Behrens and Tyler Lawson
April 21-27, 2013
South Lake Tahoe, California
Here is a PDF of the syllabus for the 2013 Talbot workshop. (Posted February 8th, 2013.) This includes detailed talk descriptions, references, and a discussion of prerequisites.
Thanks to Paul and Kirsten, notes are now available for every talk, sometimes in a selection of flavors.
Talk videos (poor quality, unfortunately) for the Boston-area pre-Talbot seminar, which focuses on prerequisities, are available here.
Northwestern University has also been conducting a seminar in preparation for the Talbot Workshop. You can find notes from the Northwestern pre-Talbot seminar here.
The talk schedule is as follows.
- Introduction, by Mark Behrens (MIT). Paul's notes. Kirsten's notes.
- The Adams-Novikov spectral sequence and the Landweber exact functor theorem, by Gabriel Valenzuela (Wesleyan). Paul's notes. Kirsten's notes.
- The chromatic spectral sequence, by Nima Rasekh (Western Ontario). Paul's notes. Kirsten's notes.
- Nilpotence, by Callan McGill (Sheffield). Paul's notes. Kirsten's notes.
- Periodicity, by Robert Legg (Northwestern). Paul's notes. Kirsten's notes.
- Morava E-theory, by Alexander Kupers (Stanford). Sander's notes. Paul's notes. Kirsten's notes.
- The chromatic tower, by Aaron Mazel-Gee (Berkeley). Kirsten's notes.
- The K(n)-local sphere, by Johan Konter (Northwestern). Paul's notes. Kirsten's notes.
- The J spectrum, by Vitaly Lorman (Johns Hopkins). Vitaly's notes. Paul's notes. Kirsten's notes.
- Higher real K-theories, by Arnav Tripathy (Stanford). Arnav's notes. Paul's notes. Kirsten's notes.
- Topological modular forms, by Sebastian Thyssen (Bochum). Paul's notes. Kirsten's notes.
- Topological automorphic forms, by Charmaine Sia (Harvard). Paul's notes. Kirsten's notes. Conference hike.
- Tate spectra, by Sean Tilson (Wayne State). Paul's notes. Kirsten's notes.
- Morava K-theory of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces, by Eric Peterson (Berkeley). Eric's notes. Paul's notes. Kirsten's notes.
- Gross-Hopkins duality and Pic, by Saul Glasman (MIT), feat. Aaron Mazel-Gee (Berkeley). Paul's notes. Kirsten's notes.
- Hopkins-Kuhn-Ravenel character theory, by Nat Stapleton (MIT). Paul's notes. Kirsten's notes.
- The telescope and chromatic splitting conjectures, by Tobi Barthel (Harvard). Tobi's notes. Kirsten's notes.
- Resolutions of the K(2)-local sphere, by Drew Heard (Melbourne). Paul's notes. Kirsten's notes.
- Other future directions, by Tyler Lawson (Minnesota). Paul's notes. Kirsten's notes. Discussion.