Topics in Geometric Topology: Hamiltonian Floer theory
Time and place: TR 9:30 am - 11:00 am, 66-144
Instructor: Shaoyun Bai
Lectures notes (Warning: these notes will likely be sloppy. Use at own risk.):
Week 1:
Overview. |
Week 2:
Index theory. |
Week 3:
Transversality. |
Week 4:
Compactness. |
Week 5:
Gluing. |
Week 6:
Pontryagin-Thom construction and Kuranishi reduction. |
Week 8:
Smoothing theory (by Yonghwan Kim) and Cohomological splitting (by Thomas Massoni). |
Week 7 and 9:
Abouzaid-McLean-Smith. |
Week 10:
An application. |
Week 11-13:
Flow categories. |
Week 14-15:
FOP as a black box. |