| Speakers | Program | Directions | Contact | Photos | Participants |
Time | Speaker | Talk | |
Monday, May 19 | |||
8:30AM | Registration Opens | ||
9:30AM | Jeffrey Adams, Opening Remarks | ||
Benedict Gross | Newforms for odd orthogonal groups | Abstract Slides |
A compatible family of symplectic \(\ell\)-adic Galois representations of dimension \(2n\) for a global field should correspond to a generic automorphic representation of the odd orthogonal group \(\mathrm{SO}_{2n+1}\). To make this conjecture more precise, we describe a distinguished line in this representation. At real and complex places, this uses the determination of the minimal \(K\)-type. | |||
10:45AM | Mini-break | ||
11:00AM | Peter Trapa | Relationships between unitary representations of real and p-adic groups | Abstract Slides |
The dominant theme in David Vogan's work has been the classification of unitary representations of real reductive groups. I will explain how Vogan's work on unitary representation theory led him to important insights into the Local Langlands Correspondence. These insights, in turn, suggest intrinsic relationships between the unitary dual of split real and p-adic groups. I will give a new realization of those relationships in the case of \(\mathrm{GL}(n)\). | |||
12:00PM | Lunch Break | ||
1:45PM | James Arthur | On Langlands' automorphic Galois group and Weil's explicit formulas. | Abstract Slides |
The global theory of endoscopy is best formulated in terms of the hypothetical automorphic Galois group proposed by Langlands. We shall describe how to construct an explicit locally compact group, which is based on Langlands principle of functoriality, and which we conjecture is equal to the automorphic Galois group. If time permits, we shall then describe how the explicit formulas of Weil can be formulated for general automophic L-functions in terms of this group. | |||
2:45PM | Mini-break | ||
3:00PM | Jean-Loup Waldspurger | Stabilization of the twisted trace formula : the local theorem | Abstract |
In a work in progress, joint with Moeglin, we stabilize the twisted Arthur-Selberg trace formula, following the fundamental work of Arthur in the non-twisted case. The key point is a local theorem which describes the stabilization of weighted orbital integrals. I try to state this theorem and to explain the differences between the twisted and non twisted case. | |||
4:00PM | Coffee Break | ||
4:30PM | Jing-Song Huang | Elliptic representations, Dirac cohomology and endoscopy | Abstract Slides |
Elliptic representations for reductive groups are those whose distribution characters are not identically zero on the set of the regular elliptic elements and of fundamental importance for harmonic analysis. We show that the elliptic representations are closely related to the representations with nonzero Dirac cohomology. Furthermore, the determination of Dirac cohomology reveals the orthogonality relations and is useful for understanding the representations in Arthur-packets as well as the stable characters in endoscopy. | |||
5:30PM-6:30PM | Wine and Cheese Reception - Lobby 13 at MIT | ||
Tuesday, May 20 | |||
9:30AM | Diana Shelstad | Transfer results for real groups. | Abstract Slides |
We review and extend some theorems on endoscopic transfer for real reductive groups. | |||
10:30AM | Coffee Break | ||
11:00AM | George Lusztig | Conjugacy classes in a reductive group | Abstract |
Let \(G\) be a reductive connected algebraic group over an algebraically closed field. I will describe a partition of \(G\) into finitely many strata such that (1) the set of strata is indexed by a set which depends only on the Weyl group (not on the root system) and does not depend on the ground field; (2) each stratum is a union of conjugacy classes of the same dimension (which is again independent of the ground field). | |||
12:00PM | Lunch Break | ||
1:45PM | Toshiyuki Kobayashi | Branching problems of representations of real reductive Lie groups | Abstract |
Branching problems ask how irreducible representations \(\pi\) of groups
\(G\) "decompose" when restricted to subgroups \(G'\). For real reductive groups, branching problems include various important special cases, however, it is notorious that "infinite multiplicities" and "continuous spectra" may well happen in general even if \((G,G')\) are natural pairs such as symmetric pairs. By using analysis on (real) spherical varieties, we give a necessary and sufficient condition on the pair of reductive groups for the multiplicities to be always finite (and also to be uniformly bounded). Further, we discuss "discretely decomposable restrictions" which allows us to apply algebraic tools in branching problems. Some classification results will also be presented. If time permits, I will discuss some applications of branching laws of Zuckerman's derived functor modules to analysis on locally symmetric spaces with indefinite metric. |
2:45PM | Mini Break | ||
3:00PM | Jeffrey Adams | Galois and theta cohomology of real groups | Abstract Slides |
The real forms of a complex reductive group are parametrized by the Galois cohomology \(H^1(Gal,G_{ad})\). Cartan's classification in terms of the Cartan involution \(\theta\) amounts to computing \(H^1(\theta,G_{ad})\), where this means the cohomology of \(\mathbb{Z}_2\) acting by the holomorphic involution \(\theta\). Therefore \(H^1(Gal,G_{ad})=H^1(\theta,G_{ad})\). It turns out this is true for all \(G\) (not just the adjoint groups). This provides a convenient setting to state and prove many results relating the two pictures. We give some applications, including a computation of \(H^1(\Gamma,G)\) for all simply connected \(G\), and relation between "strong real forms" and conventional real forms. | |||
4:00PM | Coffee Break | ||
4:30PM | Michel Duflo | On Frobenius Lie subalgebras of simple Lie algebras. | Abstract |
Frobenius Lie algebras are Lie algebras which have an open coadjoint orbit. I will present results (obtained in collaboration with M. S. Khalgui, P. Torasso, and R. Yu) on the Frobenius Lie subalgebras of a complex simple Lie algebra \(S\) containing a Cartan subalgebra of \(S\). | |||
Wednesday, May 21 | |||
9:30AM | Xuhua He | Cocenters and representations of affine Hecke algebras | Abstract
Slides |
It is known that the number of conjugacy classes of a finite group
equals the number of irreducible representations (over complex numbers). The conjugacy
classes of a finite group give a natural basis of the cocenter of its group algebra.
Thus the above equality can be refomulated as a duality between the cocenter of the
group algebra and the Grothendieck group of its finite dimensional representations. For affine Hecke algebras, the situtation is much more complicated. First, the cocenter of affine Hecke algebras is harder to understand than the cocenter of group algebras. Second, for an affine Hecke algebra, the dimension of its cocenter is countablly infinite and the number of irreducible representations is uncountablly infinite. However, the ``cocenter-representation duality'' is still valid. This is what I am going to explain in this talk. It is based joint works with S. Nie, and joint work with D. Ciubotaru. If time allows, I will also mention affine Hecke algebras at roots of unity and their ordinary and modular representations. |
10:30AM | Coffee Break | ||
11:00AM | W. Monty McGovern | Upper semicontinuity of KLV polynomials for certain blocks of Harish-Chandra modules | Abstract Slides |
We show that the coefficients of Kazhdan-Lusztig-Vogan polynomials attached to certain blocks of Harish-Chandra modules satisfy a monotonicity property relative to the closure order on \(K\)-orbits in the flag variety. | |||
12:00PM | Lunch Break | ||
1:30PM | Wolfgang Soergel | Graded versions of categories of representations and true motives | Abstract |
The triangulated categories of motivic sheaves recently constructed by Cisinski and Deglise allow a very smooth and transparent approach to the construction of graded versions of categories of representations. This is joint work with Matthias Wendt. | |||
2:30PM | Micro Break | ||
2:40PM | Geordie Williamson | Global and local Hodge theory of Soergel bimodules | Abstract |
Soergel bimodules are certain bimodules over polynomial rings which are defined for any Coxeter group. When the Coxeter group is a Weyl group they may be realised geometrically as equivariant intersection cohomology of Schubert varieties. I will describe a research program (joint with Ben Elias) giving algebraic proofs of these Hodge theoretic properties, independent of geometry. The "global" case gave a proof of the Kazhdan-Lusztig positivity conjecture. I will focus on the "local" case, which is closely linked to the Jantzen filtration on Verma modules (via results of Soergel and Kübel). | |||
3:40PM | Extended coffee break (MIT faculty meeting) | ||
4:30PM | Meinolf Geck | Computing with left cells of type \(E_8\) | Abstract
Slides |
The talk is concerned with algorithmic aspects of the theory of Kazhdan-Lusztig cells in finite Coxeter groups. We shall explain how the biggest challenge in this area, type \(E_8\), can be handled systematically and efficiently. A key role is played by Vogan's generalised tau-invariant, and generalisations thereof. | |||
6:00PM | Banquet at Royal East Restaurant (registration required) | ||
Thursday, May 22 | |||
9:30AM | Stephen DeBacker | Nilpotent orbits revisited | Abstract |
We return to some questions about nilpotent and unipotent orbits for reductive \(p\)-adic groups. These include questions about the existence of nilpotent orbits (as distributions), certain homogeneity results, and making an explicit parameterization of nilpotent orbits for certain exceptional groups. | |||
10:30AM | Coffee Break | ||
11:00AM | Wilfried Schmid | On the \(\mathfrak{n}\)-cohomology of the limits of the discrete series | Abstract |
I shall describe an inductive procedure for calculating the \(\mathfrak{n}\)-cohomology of the totally degenerate limits of the discrete series of a reductive Lie group \(G\). Here \(\mathfrak{n}\) denotes a maximal nilpotent Lie subalgebra of the complexified Lie algebra of \(G\), one that is normalized by a compact Cartan subgroup of \(G\). It turns out that this cohomology vanishes identically for most choices of \(\mathfrak{n}\); when it does not vanish, it is quite sparse. This is joint work, in part, with Dragan Milicic. | |||
12:00PM | Lunch Break | ||
1:45PM | Nolan Wallach | Gleason's theorem and unentangled orthonormal bases | Abstract Slides |
Gleason's theorem says that in a Hilbert space of dimension at least three the probability distributions that behave like mixed states relative to orthonormal bases are exactly the missed states. The unentangled Gleason theorem says that in a tensor product of Hilbert spaces with each factor of at least 3 dimensional the same result is true with the bases restricted to unentangled orthonormal bases. If any factor is of dimension 2 the result is false. This was seen by analyzing unentangled orthonormal bases of tensor products of Hilbert spaces with one 2 dimensional factor. In the important case of qubits (all factors two dimensional) Lebl and Shakeel and the speaker have done complete analysis of such bases and found that they have a beautiful combinatorial structure. This analysis should yield a more refined Gleason's theorem. | |||
2:45PM | Mini-Break | ||
3:00PM | Joseph Bernstein | Stacks in Representation Theory: What is a representation of an algebraic group? | Abstract
Slides |
In my talk I will discuss a new approach to the representation theory of
algebraic groups. In the usual approach one starts with an algebraic group \(\mathcal{G}\)
over some local (or finite) field \(F\), considers the group \(G=\mathcal{G}(F)\) of its
\(F\)-points as a topological group and studies some category \(Rep(G)\) of continuous
representations of the group \(G\). I will argue that more correct objects to study are some kind of sheaves on the stack \(B\mathcal{G}\) corresponding to the group \(\mathcal{G}\). I will show that this point of view naturally requires us to change the formulation of some basic problems in Representation Theory. In particular this approach might explain the appearance of representations of all pure forms of a group \(G\) in Vogan’s formulation of Langlands’ correspondence. |
4:00PM | Coffee Break | ||
4:30PM | Bert Kostant | Generalized Amitsur-Levitski Theorem and equations for sheets in a reductive complex Lie algebra. | Abstract Slides |
I connect an old result of mine on a Lie algebra generalization of the Amitsur-Levitski theorem with equations for sheets in a reductive Lie algebra and with recent results of Kostant-Wallach on the variety of singular elements in a reductive Lie algebra. | |||
Friday, May 23 | |||
9:15AM | Dan Ciubotaru | On formal degrees of unipotent discrete series representations of semisimple \(p\)-adic groups | Abstract |
I will present an interpretation (joint with E. Opdam) of the formal degrees of discrete series representations with unipotent cuspidal support in terms of the exotic Fourier transform (introduced by G. Lusztig in the character theory of finite groups of Lie type) and certain invariants arising in the elliptic theory of the affine Weyl group. I will also explain connections between these invariants, elliptic representations of the finite Weyl group, and genuine representations of the pin double cover of the finite Weyl group. The talk is based on joint works with X. He, E. Opdam, and P. Trapa. | |||
10:15AM | Coffee Break | ||
10:45AM | Akshay Venkatesh | Analytic number theory and harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups | Abstract |
I will describe some of the problems in the representation theory of semisimple Lie groups that arise from studying questions in analytic number theory (in particular, upper bounds for the size of L-functions). | |||
11:45AM | Mini-break | ||
12:00PM | Pramod Achar | Equivariant coherent sheaves on the nilpotent cone of a reductive algebraic group | Abstract Slides |
When I became David Vogan's student in 1998, he gave me a thesis problem about coherent sheaves on the nilpotent cone. Sixteen years later, I am still learning new things about this topic! In this talk, I will explain what "perverse-coherent sheaves" on the nilpotent cone are, and how they are related to topics such as Koszul duality and parity sheaves; Springer theory and Kato's Kostka modules; and the geometric Satake equivalence and the Mirković--Vilonen conjecture. Parts of this are joint work. | |||
1:00PM | David Vogan, Famous Last Words |