Representations of reductive groups
A conference dedicated to David Vogan on his 60th birthday

MIT, Room 10-250, May 19 - May 23, 2014

| Speakers | Program | Directions | Contact | Photos | Participants |

Organized by: MIT

Organizing committee: R. Bezrukavnikov (MIT), P. Etingof (MIT), G. Lusztig (MIT), M. Nevins (Ottawa), P. Trapa (Utah)


Time Speaker Talk
Monday, May 19
8:30AM Registration Opens
9:30AM Jeffrey Adams, Opening Remarks
Benedict Gross Newforms for odd orthogonal groups Abstract
10:45AM Mini-break
11:00AM Peter Trapa Relationships between unitary representations of real and p-adic groups Abstract
12:00PM Lunch Break
1:45PM James Arthur On Langlands' automorphic Galois group and Weil's explicit formulas. Abstract
2:45PM Mini-break
3:00PM Jean-Loup Waldspurger Stabilization of the twisted trace formula : the local theorem Abstract
4:00PM Coffee Break
4:30PM Jing-Song Huang Elliptic representations, Dirac cohomology and endoscopy Abstract
5:30PM-6:30PM Wine and Cheese Reception - Lobby 13 at MIT
Tuesday, May 20
9:30AM Diana Shelstad Transfer results for real groups. Abstract
10:30AM Coffee Break
11:00AM George Lusztig Conjugacy classes in a reductive group Abstract
12:00PM Lunch Break
1:45PM Toshiyuki Kobayashi Branching problems of representations of real reductive Lie groups Abstract
2:45PM Mini Break
3:00PM Jeffrey Adams Galois and theta cohomology of real groups Abstract
4:00PM Coffee Break
4:30PM Michel Duflo On Frobenius Lie subalgebras of simple Lie algebras. Abstract
Wednesday, May 21
9:30AM Xuhua He Cocenters and representations of affine Hecke algebras Abstract
10:30AM Coffee Break
11:00AM W. Monty McGovern Upper semicontinuity of KLV polynomials for certain blocks of Harish-Chandra modules Abstract
12:00PM Lunch Break
1:30PM Wolfgang Soergel Graded versions of categories of representations and true motives Abstract
2:30PM Micro Break
2:40PM Geordie Williamson Global and local Hodge theory of Soergel bimodules Abstract
3:40PM Extended coffee break (MIT faculty meeting)
4:30PM Meinolf Geck Computing with left cells of type \(E_8\) Abstract
6:00PM Banquet at Royal East Restaurant (registration required)
Thursday, May 22
9:30AM Stephen DeBacker Nilpotent orbits revisited Abstract
10:30AM Coffee Break
11:00AM Wilfried Schmid On the \(\mathfrak{n}\)-cohomology of the limits of the discrete series Abstract
12:00PM Lunch Break
1:45PM Nolan Wallach Gleason's theorem and unentangled orthonormal bases Abstract
2:45PM Mini-Break
3:00PM Joseph Bernstein Stacks in Representation Theory: What is a representation of an algebraic group? Abstract
4:00PM Coffee Break
4:30PM Bert Kostant Generalized Amitsur-Levitski Theorem and equations for sheets in a reductive complex Lie algebra. Abstract
Friday, May 23
9:15AM Dan Ciubotaru On formal degrees of unipotent discrete series representations of semisimple \(p\)-adic groups Abstract
10:15AM Coffee Break
10:45AM Akshay Venkatesh Analytic number theory and harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups Abstract
11:45AM Mini-break
12:00PM Pramod Achar Equivariant coherent sheaves on the nilpotent cone of a reductive algebraic group Abstract
1:00PM David Vogan, Famous Last Words
