Roger Van Peski

I am a mathematician interested in a variety of topics around probability, mathematical physics, random matrices, algebraic combinatorics, and representation theory. During the 2023-2024 academic year I am a postdoc at KTH with Maurice Duits, and starting in Fall 2024 I will be a Ritt Assistant Professor (postdoc) at Columbia. I obtained my PhD in 2023 at MIT, advised by Alexei Borodin, and before that I was an undergraduate at Princeton. This webpage is current as of February 2024 but will stop being maintained soon and be superseded eventually.

address: KTH Mathematics Department, Room 3506

email: rvp at mit dot edu

CV (pdf)


Reverse chronological order of arxiv submission; links go to arxiv versions, which are updated with changes once accepted for publication (i.e. you shouldn't worry about having to go to the journal for the most current version). See also arxiv and Google Scholar.
  1. Symmetric functions and the explicit moment problem for abelian groups Preprint, (2024).
  2. Reflecting Poisson walks and dynamical universality in p-adic random matrix theory Preprint, (2023).
  3. Local limits in p-adic random matrix theory Preprint, (2023).
  4. What is a p-adic Dyson Brownian motion? Preprint, (2023).
  5. (with H. H. Nguyen) Universality for cokernels of random matrix products Advances in Mathematics, 438:109451, (2024).
  6. (with P. Cohen, J. Dell, O. E. Gonzalez, G. Iyer, S. Khunger, C. H. Kwan, S. J. Miller, A. Shashkov, A. Smith Reina, C. Sprunger, N. Triantafillou, N. Truong, S. Willis, and Y. Yang) Extending support for the centered moments of the low lying zeroes of cuspidal newforms Preprint, (2022).
  7. q-TASEP with position-dependent slowing Electronic Journal of Probability (27): 1-35 (2022).
  8. Hall-Littlewood polynomials, boundaries, and p-adic random matrices International Math Research Notices, 2023 (13): 11217-11275.
  9. (with A. Ahn) Lyapunov exponents for truncated unitary and Ginibre matrices Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (B) Probabilites et statistiques, 59 (2): 1029-1039 (2023).
  10. (with A. Ahn and M. Russkikh) Lozenge tilings and the Gaussian free field on a cylinder Communications in Mathematical Physics, 396 (3): 1221-1275 (2022).
  11. Limits and fluctuations of p-adic random matrix products Selecta Mathematica, 27 (05):1-71 (2021).
  12. Spectral distributions of periodic random matrix ensembles Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, 10(01) 2021.
  13. (with S. DeHority, X. Gonzalez, and N. Vafa) Moonshine for all finite groups Res. Math. Sci, 5 (2018).
  14. (with O. E. Gonzalez, C. H. Kwan, S. J. Miller, and T. A. Wong) On smoothing singularities of elliptic orbital integrals on GL(n) and Beyond Endoscopy Journal of Number Theory 183 (Supplement C) (2018) 407-437.
  15. (with P. Burkhardt, P. Cohen, J. Dewitt, M. Hlavacek, S.J. Miller, C. Sprunger, Y.N. Truong Vu, and K. Yang) Random matrix ensembles with split limiting behavior Random Matrices: Theory and Applications 5 (2018) no. 3, 1850006.
  16. (with S. J. Miller, C. Peterson, and C. Sprunger) The bidirectional ballot polytope Integers: The Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 18 (2018).
  17. (with V. Gupta and U. Roy) A generalization of Tokuyama's formula to the Hall-Littlewood polynomials Electronic J. Combin. 22 (2015), no. 2.
Other writings: PhD thesis and undergraduate thesis.

Selected talk notes, slides and recordings

For a list of all talks see CV (pdf). The list of slides below removes some redundancy.

Seminars co-organized

Teaching and mentoring

I am not teaching this semester. Some mentoring/outreach efforts I've been involved with and would recommend are the MIT Directed Reading Program, SPUR, UROP, GUMMI, PROMYS, Princeton Splash (but there are versions at lots of other schools as well!), Mentoring Möbius; to decode what these actually are see either my CV or the links.


In high school I spent several summers at the PROMYS program, a 6-week math summer camp, and also worked there once I got older. I highly recommend it for any high school age students who like math, or undergraduates looking for a stimulating summer job.

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