Catherine Wolfram

Hi! I am a 5th year math PhD student at MIT, advised by Scott Sheffield. Before that, I was an undergraduate at the University of Chicago. I'm interested in various topics related to complex analysis, probability, and geometry. Here is my CV (last updated September 24, 2023). In Fall 2024, I will be an NSF postdoctoral fellow and Gibbs Assistant Professor at Yale.

Office: 2-333C

Email: wolframc at mit dot edu


  1. (with Nishant Chandgotia, Scott Sheffield) Large deviations for the 3D dimer model (2023). [arxiv] [pdf]
  2. (with Dragomir Saric, Yilin Wang) Circle homeomorphisms with square summable diamond shears (2022). [arxiv] [pdf]

Talks and travel

Upcoming travel and talks (as of March): Some past talks and presentations, including links to slides or recordings. For videos of 3D dimer simulation slices featured in some of my talks, see here.


  • Spring 2024: I am not teaching thanks to a Phyllis Ruby Block Fellowship from MIT.
  • Fall 2023: recitation leader for 18.600 (probability and random variables).
  • January 2023 (IAP): recitation leader for 18.02A (multivariable calculus).
  • Spring 2022: recitation leader for 18.600 (probability and random variables)
  • Fall 2021: recitation leader for 18.600 (probability and random variables)

Service and outreach

  • Co-organizer and mentor for the MIT math directed reading program (DRP), a program which pairs undergraduate students at MIT with graduate students and postdocs to do a reading project over IAP about a math topic of their choice.
  • (2020-2021) Co-organizer of Pumagrass (pure math graduate student seminar), a weekly seminar for graduate students in the math department to give informal talks to their peers.
  • (2020-2021) Manager of the MIT math learning center, the peer-tutoring center run by the MIT math department.
  • (Summer 2020) Mentor for two advanced high school students at RSI.

Undergrad work

I spent two summers during undergrad at the University of Chicago math REU. The papers I wrote can be found here and here.

Some pictures

