Belyi Maps and Dessins d'Enfants
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Course Information

This course will develop the theory of Riemann surfaces and algebraic curves. We will then study Belyi maps (three-point branched covers of the complex projective line) and their connection with the absolute Galois group and other parts of arithmetic geometry. We will use the following references. We may also refer to the following references for results on background material.

Weekly homework assignments will be assigned and posted below. They will be "due" in one week, but late homework will be accepted. That said, these exercises are meant to help you learn the material, so it is strongly encouraged to do them in a timely manner!

Cooperation on homework is permitted (and encouraged!), but if you work together, do not take any paper away with you--in other words, you can share your thoughts (say on a blackboard), but you have to walk away with only your understanding. In particular, you must write the solution up on your own. Please credit your collaborators on your assignments.

Daily Schedule

Date Topic Notes Homework
(M) Feb 22 Review of complex analysis, Riemann surfaces Lecture 1
(W) Feb 24 Complex algebraic curves as Riemann surfaces Lecture 2 HW 1:
[TeX], [PDF]
(M) Mar 1 Morphisms of Riemann surfaces; automorphisms of PP^1 Lecture 3
(W) Mar 3 Automorphisms of HH and DD; order of vanishing and ramification Lecture 4 HW 2:
[TeX], [PDF]
(T) Mar 9 Local normal form; degree of a morphism Lecture 5
(W) Mar 10 Hyperelliptic curves; differentials Lecture 6 HW 3:
[TeX], [PDF]
(M) Mar 15 Genus; canonical map; fundamental group Lecture 7
(W) Mar 17 Fundamental group, cont.; covering spaces Lecture 8 HW 4:
[TeX], [PDF]
(M) Mar 22 Student holiday---no class
(W) Mar 24 Coding session: Belyi maps in the LMFDB
(M) Mar 29 Groups acting on Riemann surface Lecture 9
(W) Mar 31 Monodromy representations Lecture 10 HW 5:
[TeX], [PDF]
(M) Apr 5 Function fields Lecture 11
(W) Apr 7 Belyi maps in the LMFDB: search by base field
(M) Apr 12 Uniformization of Riemann surfaces; Fuchsian groups Lecture 12
(W) Apr 14 Belyi maps in the LMFDB: search by passport size LMFDB Github
(M) Apr 19 Student holiday---no class
(W) Apr 21 Belyi maps in the LMFDB: finishing search features LMFDB Github
(M) Apr 26 Fuchsian triangle groups; hyperbolic geometry Lecture 13
(W) Apr 28 Primitive permutation groups Lecture 13.5
(M) May 3 The modular group as a triangle group Lecture 14 HW 6:
[TeX], [PDF]
(W) May 5 Computing primitivizations Github repo
(M) May 10 Computing primitivizations Github repo
(W) May 12 Computing primitivizations Github repo
(M) May 17 Belyi's Theorem Lecture 15