Applied Math Colloquium

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Fall 2007

Most talks are at 4:30 pm in Room 4-270.
Refreshments will be served at 4:00 PM in Room 4-174 (Math Majors Lounge).

Fall 2007 Organizers: Alan Edelman, Steven G. Johnson, and Jonathan Kelner

Date Speaker / Abstract
Sept. 10

Avi Wigderson (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)

The Sum-Product Theorem and Its Applications

Sept. 17

John Bush (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Surface Tension in Biology

Sept. 24 Room: 2-105
Time: 2:30 PM

Alexander Shen (Institute of Problems of Information Transmission, Moscow)

Fixed Point (Recursion) Theorem and Aperiodic Tile Sets

Special Joint Applied Mathematics Colloquium and Theory of Computation Colloquium

Oct. 1

Nicolaos Sahinidis (Carnegie Mellon University)

Global Optimization with Branch-and-Reduce

Oct. 8

Columbus Day -- Holiday

Oct. 15

Mark Tygert (Yale University)

A Fast Algorithm for Approximating the Singular Value Decomposition of a Matrix

Oct. 22


Oct. 29

Richard Michaud and Robert Michaud (New Frontier Advisors, LLC)

Estimation Error and Portfolio Optimization: A Resampling Solution

Nov. 5

Darren Crowdy (Imperial College, London and M.I.T.)

The Mathematics of Interaction

Nov. 12

Veterans Day -- Holiday

Nov. 19

Tony Chan (University of California, Los Angeles and National Science Foundation)

Mathematical Approaches to Some Image Processing and Computer Vision Problems

Nov. 20 Room: 4-237
Time: 4:30 PM

Mireille Bousquet-Melou (CNRS, LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux, France)

Families of Prudent Self-Avoiding Walks

Special Joint Seminar - Applied Mathematics Colloquium and Combinatorics Seminar

Nov. 26


Dec. 3


Dec. 10

Robert Kleinberg (Cornell University)

Online Learning Algorithms for Searching and Ranking

Dec. 17

Gary Miller (Carnegie Mellon University)

Image Segmentation Using Spectral Graph Theory