Applied Math Colloquium

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For more information, contact Laurent Demanet

Spring 2018

Most talks are at 4:15pm in Room 4-237 unless otherwise noted.

Spring 2018 Organizers: Laurent Demanet and Philippe Rigollet

Date Speaker / Abstract
Mon February 26

Nikhil Srivastava (UC Berkeley)

A Matrix Expander Chernoff Bound

Mon March 12

Justin Solomon (MIT)

Scaling and Broadening the Scope of Computational Transport

Lecture Video

Mon April 2

Filipo Santambrogio (Universite Paris Sud)

Crowd motion and evolution PDE with density constraints

Mon April 30

Carlos Fernandez-Granda (NYU)

Sparse Recovery Beyond Compressed Sensing

Lecture Video

Mon May 7 Room 4-153

Yury Polyanskiy (MIT)

Broadcasting on directed acyclic graphs

(Joint event with Probability Seminar)