Applied Math Colloquium

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Spring 2001

Most talks are at 4:15 pm in Room 2-105. Refreshments are typically served at 3:45 pm in Room 2-349.

Spring 2001 Organizers: Michael Brenner and Daniel Spielman

Date Speaker / Abstract
Feb 12

No Colloquium

Feb 19

Presidents day

Feb. 26

Andris Ambainis (University of California, Berkeley)

Quantum Computing With Highly Mixed States

The standard model of quantum computing assumes that the state of a quantum computer can be initialized to a fixed starting state (for example, 00...00). However, this is not possible in the most popular technology for implementing quantum computers, liquid-state bulk NMR. There, the starting state is a probability distribution over different quantum states. Adjusting quantum algorithms to this setting is a challenging problem.

We consider the setting in which the starting state consists of $k$ quantum bits that can be initialized to $0$ state and n-k quantum bits that have completely random starting states. This setting is called $k$-clean qubit model. We show two results for this setting. First, we observe that NC1 (the class of functions computed by polynomial-time, log-depth circuits) can be computed in this model. Second, we show that, under certain constraints, there is no general method for simulating an arbitrary m-quantum bit standard quantum computation by a quantum computation in the $k$-clean qubit model, unless $m=O(k+ log n)$. The first result follows from Barrington's theorem about simulating NC1 with branching programs. The second result is shown by a reduction to the representation theory of the symmetric group.

March 5 Cancelled due to snow!

Daniel Spielman (MIT)

March 12

Mike Shelley CIMS

March 19

Steve Morris Toronto

March 26

spring break

April 2

Craig Tracy (U.C. Davis)

Recent Progress in Growth Processes

Growth processes have an extensive history both in the probability literature and the physics literature. A basic problem is to describe the growth of an interface when the underlying dynamics have both deterministic and stochastic components. The existence of a limiting shape of this interface has been known, in a variety of models, for some time. Given these results, a natural question is to describe the fluctuations about the limiting shape. It has been recently discovered that the limiting distribution functions that describe the fluctuations are precisely those arising in random matrix theory. After a brief introduction to random matrix theory, these developments will be summarized.

April 9

Steve Davis (Northwestern)

April 16

Patriot's Day

April 23

Uzi Landman Georgia Tech

April 27 Friday

Daniel Spielman (MIT)

Smoothed Analysis of Algorithms: Why The Simplex Algorithm Usually Takes Polynomial Time.

Special joint Colloqium with Combinatorics Seminar

April 30

Percy Deift Courant Institute and University of Pennsylvania

Identities for Toeplitz determinants and the convergence of moments for random Young diagrams

Recently Baik, Deift and Johansson showed that the number of boxes in the first row of a random Young diagram of size N behaves statistically as N becomes large, like the largest eigenvalue of a random matrix. They also conjectured that, in the large N limit, the number of boxes in the first k rows should behave like the first k eigenvalues of a random matrix, and in a later publication they verified this conjecture for the second row. The full conjecture was proved subsequently, first by Okounkov, and then independently by Borodin-Okounkov-Olshanski and Johansson. The speaker will discuss some recent related developments.

May 7

Russell Lyons ( Indiana University and Georgia Tech, visiting U. C. Berkeley)

Random Spanning Trees, Random Walks, and Electric Networks

The topics of the title are intimately connected to each other, and to a host of other topics, in beautiful ways. It has been known since the time of Kirchhoff (1847) that one can solve electrical network problems by using various probabilities associated to choosing a spanning tree at random (uniformly) from a finite graph. Algorithms for generating a random spanning tree are connected to generation and counting of states in arbitrary Markov chains.

A "thermodynamic" limit defines the model on infinite graphs. Here, the connections to potential theory deepen and allow one to resolve many questions, such as the number of components and the topology of components. We will describe work on random spanning trees of Aldous, Benjamini, Broder, Burton, Kenyon, Kesten, Kirchhoff, Pemantle, Peres, Schramm, Wilson, and the speaker. Because of connections to other areas such as domino tilings, matroids, amenability, percolation, L^2-Betti numbers, Brownian motion, and conformal maps, there are still an enormous number of fascinating open questions. No background in any area will be assumed for the talk.

May 14

John Bush (MIT)