Some lectures
Talk at the retirement celebration
for Albrecht Dold and Dieter Puppe, May 1996.
Colloquium at Princeton, April 1997.
"Elliptic moduli in algebraic topology,"
notes from a lecture
at the Bonn Arbeitstagung in June 1997.
Notes from a talk at
Boston College, November 2000.
Notes for a lecture in a
summer seminar on the Kervaire invariant in 2009 at MIT
on a proof (with Jean Lannes) of Browder's theorem
using characteristic numbers for manifolds with corners.
"The norm functor and MU^{((G))},"
In Hot Topics: Kervaire Invariant, MSRI 25 Oct 2010:
conference lecture.
Seminaire Bourbaki slides
and writeup on
Hill, Hopkins, and Ravenel's work on Kervaire Invariant One, November 2010.
Andre memorial conference, Lausanne, May, 2011:
for a talk on chromatic homotopy theory at the Copenhagen Centre
for Symmetry and Deformation, May, 2011.
"Some local computations in homotopy theory,"
notes from a talk at the Bendersky
Birthday Conference, Princeton, March, 2015.
"Localization in homotopy theory," the Kepler Lecture, University of
Regensburg, July 2, 2015: notes.
"Some homological localization theorems," talk at
Homotopy Theory: Tools and Applications, UIUC, 17 July 2017:
slides and
"Some things I learned from Doug: The origins of chromatic homotopy theory,"
Homotopy Theory in the Ecliptic, Reed College 7 Nov 2017:
"Speculations around the immersion conjecture,"
notes from a talk in the
Thursday seminar at Harvard, April 2019.
"The "Sullivan Conjecture,"" a
Zoom lecture for "Plectics Laboratories."
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