Seminar on the proof of the local Langlands correspondence for GL(n) over p-adic number fields

In this seminar, we want to understand Scholze's proof of the local Langlands conjecture for GL(n) over p-adic fields, cf. [Sch13], which simplifies substantially some arguments in the proof given by Harris-Taylor, cf. [H-T01]. The proof uses some global arguments, which is based on the study of some unitary Shimura varieties.

Time and Place:

7pm-8:30pm EST, online.

Date Title Speaker Notes
Dec22 Weil-Deligne representations and L-, \epsilon-factors. Kenta Suzuki TBA
Dec29 Smooth Reprensetations of GL(n) and the Bernstein Center. Zeyu Wang notes
Jan2 Jacquet-Langlands correspondence and Clozel's base change. Gefei Dang notes
Jan5 Harris-Taylor's simple Shimura varieties James Yang notes
Jan12 Deformation spaces of p-divisible groups and the test functions Xinyu Zhou notes
Jan17 Descent properties of the test functions Kenta Suzuki TBA
Jan19 Langlands-Kottwitz method Eunsu Hur TBA
Jan24 \ell-adic Galois representations attached to automorphic forms Hao Peng notes
Jan26 Bijective correspondence for irreducible supercuspidal representations Danielle Wang TBA
Jan30 Compatibility of the correspondence Kenta Suzuki TBA


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