18.782 Introduction to Arithmetic Geometry (Spring 2023)

Lecture Schedule

# Date Topic (references) Materials
102/06Overview of arithmetic geometry (Ellenberg, Poonen)slides
202/08Rational points on curves by genusnotes (2.1-2.2), Drew's slides
302/10Reduction modulo primes;
Legendre's theorem and descent algorithm
Drew's slides,
notes (2.3)
402/13Finite fieldsnotes (3.1-3.3)
502/15Solving polynomials over finite fields;
p-adic integers
notes (3.4),
602/17p-adic numbersnotes (5.1, 5.2)
702/21Ostrowski's theoremnotes (5.3),
Conrad (Sections 1-3)
802/22Product formula;
Basics of Algebraic Number Theory
notes (7.2, 7.3),
Milne (Chapter 2)
902/24Product formula;
notes (7.1, 7.3, 7.4)
1002/27Equivalence of definitions of p-adics;
Root finding in p-adics
notes (8.1, 8.2)
1103/01Hensel's lemma;
Quadratic forms
notes (8.3)
1203/03Hilbert symbolnotes
1303/06Hilbert symbol continued;
Hasse-Minkowski theorem
notes (11.3)
1403/08Hilbert reciprocity;
Proof of Hasse-Minkowski in dim 4
notes (Theorem 10.11)
1503/10Proof of Hasse-Minkowski in dim ≥ 5notes
1603/13Field extensionsnotes (12.1)
1703/15Affine algebraic sets and varietiesnotes (12.2),notes (13.1)
1803/17Projective varietiesnotes (13.2-13.5)
1903/20Zariski topology, Affine morphismsnotes
2003/22Rational maps of affine varietiesnotes (15.1)
2103/24Products of varietiesnotes (16.1)
2204/03Rational maps and morphisms of projective varieties;
Complete varieties
notes (15.2)
notes (16.2)
2304/05Valuative criterion of completenessnotes (16.3-16.5)
2404/07Projective varieties are complete;
Tangent and cotangent spaces
notes (16.5)
2504/10Smooth points; algebraic characterisation of cotangent space;
Regular local ring
notes (18.1)
2604/12Smooth projective curvesnotes (Section 18.2, Definition 18.9, Statements of 18.10, 18.13, 18.14)
2804/19Degree theoremnotes
2904/21Riemann-Roch spacesnotes
3004/24Adele spaces; Canonical divisornotes (22.1-22.3)
3104/26Riemann-Roch theorem;
Curves of genus <= 1 with a rational point
notes (22.4)
notes (23.1, 23.2)
3204/28Elliptic curves and abelian varietiesnotes (23.3, 23.4)
3305/01Isogenies and torsion points on elliptic curvesnotes (24.1, 24.2)
3405/03Torsion points on elliptic curves over Qnotes (24.3)
3505/05Mordell-Weil theorem - 1 (weak version)notes (25.1-25.4)
3605/08Mordell-Weil theorem - 2 (heights);
Principal homogeneous spaces and Weil-Chatelet group
notes (25.5-25.7)
notes (26.4-26.6)