Simons Lecture Series

2010 Lectures

Peter Winkler Dartmouth College

April 28-30


Forceless Physics and the Combinatorial Arsenal

  • Lecture 1:

    Phase transition and hard constraints

  • Lecture 2:

    Branched polymers and the hard core model

  • Lecture 3:

    Independent and coordinate percolation

Andrei Okounkov Princeton University

May 3-5


Applied Noncommutative Geometry

  • Lecture 1:

    Algebra and geometry of random surfaces

  • Lecture 2:

    Noncommutative geometry and Painlevé equations

  • Lecture 3:

    Towards probabilistic mirror symmetry

Simons Lecture Poster 2010
Simons Lecture Poster 2010

Simons Lectures Over the Years

2025: Maryna Viazovska, Thomas Vidick

2024: Elon Lindenstrauss, Lenka Zdeborova

2022: Bhargav Bhatt, Cynthia Dwork

2020: (postponed) Bhargav Bhatt, Cynthia Dwork

2019: June Huh, Alexander Barvinok

2018: Stephen Boyd, Sylvia Serfaty

2017: Yuval Peres, Martin Hairer

2016: Michael P. Brenner, Maryam Mirzakhani (cancelled due to illness)

2015: Leslie Greengard, Laure Saint-Raymond

2014: Daniel Spielman, Ben Green

2013: Emmanuel Candès, Raphaël Rouquier

2012: Alexander Lubotzky, László Lovász

2011: Steven Strogatz, Manjul Bhargava

2010: Peter Winkler, Andrei Okounkov

2009: Étienne Ghys, Robert Shapire

2008: Peter Teichner, John Conway

2007: Terry Tao, David Donoho

2006: Akshay Venkatesh, Yves Couder

2005: Noga Alon, Nigel Hitchin

2004: Wendelin Werner

2003: Grigory Perelman

2002: Robert MacPherson

2001 Fall: Peter Shor

2001 Spring: Laurent Lafforgue