Juvitop Seminar
Fall 2018
In Fall 2018, Juvitop was about Ambidexterity.-
Dieudonné Theory — Hopf algebras and Witt Vectors
Morgan Opie
Reference: Ambidexterity sections 1.1 – 1.2
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Dieudonné Theory — Dieudonné Modules and Hopf Algebras
Dexter Chua
Reference: Ambidexterity sections 1.3 – 1.4
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Morava $K$ Theory of Eilenberg Maclane Spaces — Background and Cohomology of $p$-divisible Groups
Andy Senger
Reference: Ambidexterity sections 2.1 – 2.3
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Morava $K$ Theory of Eilenberg Maclane Spaces — The Computation part 1
Sanath Devalapurkar
Reference: Ambidexterity section 2.4
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Morava $K$ Theory of Eilenberg Maclane Spaces — The Computation part 2
Sanath Devalapurkar
Reference: Ambidexterity section 2.4
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Alternating Powers of p-Divisible Groups and the Morava $E$ Theory of Eilenberg Maclane Spaces
Hood Chatham
Reference: Ambidexterity section 3
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Ambidexterity — Beck-Chevalley Fibrations and Norm Maps part 1
Peter Haine
Reference: Ambidexterity section 4
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Ambidexterity — Beck-Chevalley Fibrations and Norm Maps part 2
Peter Haine
Reference: Ambidexterity section 4
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Ambidexterity — The Main Theorem
Andy Senger
Reference: Ambidexterity section 5.1 – 5.2
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Ambidexterity — The Global Sections Functor
Hood Chatham
Reference: Ambidexterity section 5.3 – 5.4
This seminar was organized by Hood Chatham, Peter Haine, and Andy Senger.