Talbot 2017: Obstruction theory for structured ring spectra

Mentored by Maria Basterra and Sarah Whitehouse

May 21-27, 2017
Gooding, ID

Katharine Adamyk University of Colorado
Gabe Angelini-Knoll Wayne State University
Eva Belmont MIT
Calista Bernard Stanford University
Eric Berry Montana State University
Tai-Danae Bradley The Graduate Center, CUNY
Dominic Culver University of Notre Dame
Ipsita Datta Stanford University
Sanath Devalapurkar MIT
Robin Elliott MIT
Daniel Graves University of Sheffield
Aron Heleodoro Northwestern University
Joseph Helfer Stanford
Leo Herr CU Boulder
Daniel Hess University of Minnesota
Pax Kivimae Northwestern University
Inbar Klang Stanford
Jens Jakob Kjaer University of Notre Dame
Jia Kong University of Chicago
Naomi Kraushar Stanford
Guchuan Li Northwestern University
Ang Li University of Kentucky
Clover May University of Oregon
Haldun Özgür Bayindir University of Illinois at Chicago
Maximilien Peroux University of Illinois at Chicago
Sean Pohorence Northwestern
J.D. Quigley Notre Dame
Arpon Raksit Stanford
Catherine Ray U Chicago
Jonathan Rubin University of Chicago
Andrew Senger MIT
Paul VanKoughnett Northwestern University
Dylan Wilson Northwestern
Ningchuan Zhang UIUC
Yu Zhang The Ohio State University
Foling Zou University of Chicago