Talbot 2010: Twisted K-Theory and Loop Groups
Mentored by Constantin Teleman.
May 23 to May 29, 2010.
Breckenridge, Colorado
Some Links
The 2010 Talbot wiki.
Below are some very preliminary references for the 2010 Talbot workshop.
- Hatcher, Vector bundles and K-theory. On his webpage.
- Atiyah, K-theory.
- Segal, Equivariant K-theory (IHES 69?)
- Atiyah-Segal, Completion theorem (J Diff Geom 84?)
- FHT (=Freed-Hopkins-Teleman) 1, Appendix for K-theory of stacks (arxiv)
Twistings and twisted K-theory:
- Donovan-Karoubi IHES (torsion twistings)
- Carey et al, CMP early 2000's
- Atiyah-Segal 1,2
- FHT -- Complex equivariant K-theory, J Topology
- FHT 1,2,3
- Freed's ICM lecture
- Ando, Blumberg, Hopkins et al: units in ring spectra
Loop groups, representations, CFT:
- Pressley-Segal;
- Kac, for lie algebras esp. twisted affine algebras if covered
- Segal's notes on CFT (Proceedings of 2002 conference)
- Segal's paper for loops in torus (?? refs)
- I. Frenkel: Orbital theory for affine Lie algebras. Invent. Math. 77 (1984)
Additional Topics:
- Grojnowski-Rosu-Ando et al for equivariant elliptic cohomology over C?
- Jacob if anything available? (But Jacob would cover that anyway)
Open-closed theory, Landau-Ginzburg potentials: To be added depending on how much we cover
Gauged string topology: If a paper available, perhaps me or one of my students
Relation to Chern-Simons:
- Freed-Hopkins-Lurie-Teleman for the torus (arxiv)
- Bartels-Douglas-Henriques conformal nets (arxiv)