Welcome! This is an archive page for a previous or upcoming year of the Computational Research in Boston and Beyond Seminar (CRiBB). To see current seminar information visit the Home Page.

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For more information, e-mail Professor Alan Edelman (edelman AT and/or Professor Jeremy Kepner (kepner AT

Organizers : 2017

Dr. Patrick Dreher (MIT - Laboratory for Nuclear Science)
Professor Alan Edelman (MIT - Math & CSAIL)
Dr. Chris Hill (MIT - Earth and Atmospheric Science)
Professor Steven G. Johnson (MIT - Math & RLE)
Dr. Jeremy Kepner (MIT - Lincoln Laboratory)
Dr. Albert Reuther (MIT - Lincoln Laboratory)

Meetings : 2017

Meetings will be held on the first Friday of the month at the MIT Campus in Room: 32-144 . The meetings will begin at 11:00am, and pizza will be provided. Upcoming talks are listed below:

Feb 3

Julian Kates-Harbeck (Harvard University)

"Nonlinear epidemics on graphs"

(Talk will be held in Room 32-124.)

Mar 3

Ryan McKinnon (MIT)

"Grain Dynamics in Astrophysical Simulations"

Apr 7

Mukarran Ahmad Tahir (MIT)

"Molecular design of protein-mimetic nanostructures"

May 5

Benjamin Schubert (Harvard Medical School)

"Population-specific design of de-immunized protein biotherapeutics"

June 2

Alexander Kell (MIT)

"Using deep learning to model and to understand human auditory cortex"

July 14

Jeremy Kepner (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)

"Convergence of Machine Learning, Big Data, and Supercomputing"

(Talk will be held in Room 46-3189 - McGovern Institute for Brain Institute.)

Oct 6

Miriam Leeser and Stratis Ioannidis (Northeastern University)

"Practical, Secure Function Evaluation at Scale"

(Talk will begin at 12:00 Noon, and held in STATA, Room 32-D463.)

Nov 3

Patrick Dreher (MIT)

"Challenges Optimizing HPC Applications Within New Computer Architecture Environments"

Dec 1

Jonathan Gootenberg (MIT)

"Harnessing computationally discovered CRISPR systems for transcriptome
engineering and human health"



We thank the generous support of MIT IS&T, CSAIL, and the Department of Mathematics for their support of this series.

MIT Math CSAIL EAPS Lincoln Lab Harvard Astronomy
