Email Transition

IS&T migrated @MIT.EDU emails on March 15, 16, & 17.

Please note this migration will NOT affect your @MATH.MIT.EDU

  • Mail forwarding will continue to work
    If you are forwarding your email to, or, you should not be affected.
  • All filters and rules will be migrated
    IS&T has agreed to migrate all of the filters and rules set by each user in order to keep the user experience as simple as possible.
  • will continue to work
    If anyone has issues after migration and NEED to access your email ASAP, I recommend using this URL until you regain access through your mail client.

What You'll Need to Do

  • On each device where you check @MIT.EDU email, you will need to go through a Touchstone login to get connected to the o365 environment.
    • Outlook - Usually detects the change and directs you through Touchstone automatically
    • Mobile Devices - Remove and re-add the account in order to get the Touchstone prompt
    • It takes most people 2-10 minutes per device to reconnect (home computer, iPhone, tablet, etc.).

CertAid Certificates

Certificates are used as part of authentication for O365. Verify these certificates are installed


Client-Specific Instructions

Shared Calendars

If you share calendars with others, they will appear as disconnected and may give you errors until those accounts are migrated to O365. You can right-click on a calendar and remove it from your view, and re-add it once it has been migrated.

Migration Details

You will receive an email the day before your scheduled migration.


If you have any questions or problems regarding the migration of your mail, please contact the IS&T Service Desk.