SPUR, the Summer Program in Undergraduate Research of the MIT Mathematics Department, is a program for MIT undergraduates founded in 1997 by Professor Hartley Rogers. SPUR faculty coordinators this year are Prof. Roman Bezrukavnikov and lecturer Jonathan Bloom.
SPUR is open to all MIT undergraduates, not just math majors. Up to 10 undergraduates are supported each summer, the majority in the summer after their first or second year at MIT. SPUR is often their first taste of mathematical research. Past participants are not eligible to apply in subsequent years. To qualify, students are expected to be fluent in mathematical reasoning and to possess a lively interest in mathematics and a serious desire to try out and develop their research abilities and skill at communication.
Students in the program work full time for six weeks on original individual or joint research projects, depending on their preferences and availability. They are matched with a mathematics graduate student mentor with compatible interests. The graduate student mentor devises a research project, often in consultation with an MIT faculty advisor. Students meet with their mentors for about an hour each weekday. Each week during the program, the entire group of undergraduates and mentors meets for a seminar and discussion with a faculty member. In the final days of the program, the undergraduate writes a short paper (about 10 pages) describing his or her progress (to be posted later on the SPUR website) and presents a 20-minute talk to the mentors, to the other undergraduates in SPUR, and to a panel of faculty members.
SPUR+ (short for SPUR + 3 weeks) is a part of SPUR aimed at students showing great promise in mathematics, but who can benefit from three weeks of guided reading in preparation for research, before the actual 6-week SPUR program. SPUR+ students usually work on projects in teams of two. If you would like your SPUR application to be considered also for SPUR+, please check the appropriate box on your SPUR application. About four undergraduates will be supported under SPUR+ this summer. Starting Monday, June 3, 2024, SPUR+ operates in the same way as SPUR. Up to four undergraduates will be supported under SPUR+ this summer.
Program Dates
- SPUR: June 23 — August 1, 2025
- SPUR+: June 2 — August 1, 2025
SPUR/SPUR+ will be held in person this summer. Students must be present during the entire program.
See a general description of our admissions process.
ELIGIBILITY: MIT undergraduates who complete their first, second, or third year by May 2025. Students graduating by May and students from other institutions are not eligible. Past participants are not eligible to apply in subsequent years. Students must be present at MIT during the entire program.
APPLY online
(MIT browser certificates required)
DEADLINE: The deadline for full consideration is 11:59 pm EST on Sunday, February 9, 2025. Late applications will be considered if space is available. The first round of offers is expected in early March, final decisions by March 31.
Past Projects
Browse a listing of abstracts and papers from past research projects and participants by year.
Rogers Prize
After the final presentation, the faculty panel awards the Rogers Prize to the best student-mentor team or teams. The prize was funded in honor of Professor Rogers by his family. See a list of past award recipients.