Pre-approved Summer Subjects

WARNING: We do not usually accept on-line classes for transfer credit. But because so much instruction during the summers of 2020 and 2021 was necessarily on-line, we will consider on-line classes provided they meet the following three conditions:

  1. you receive an official university transcript for the work
  2. the class has proctored exams
  3. you earn a grade of B or higher (so not just P/F grading) in the class

We will return to the usual rule that classes must be taken in person beginning with the summer of 2022, so be sure to verify that this is the case.

The following local summer subjects have been pre-approved for transfer credit. Students must earn a grade of B- or better in order to receive MIT credit. Upon completion of the course students must submit the Request For Additional Credit form signed by an administrator in Math Academic Services.

MIT Subject School Subject School
18.01 Most places, as long as it includes the second course of a two-course Single Variable Calculus sequence. Preapproval by a Transfer Credit Examiner is required for 18.01.
18.02 CAS MA 225 Boston University
Math 21a Harvard
Math 42 (formerly 13) Tufts
Math 242 UMass Boston
18.03 We are not aware of any local classes with the same topic coverage as 18.03.
18.04 CAS MA 412 Boston University
18.05 CAS MA 381 Boston University Not OK: Statistics 100 at Harvard
CEE 102 Tufts
Math 345 UMass Boston
18.06 CAS MA 242 Boston University
Math 260 UMass Boston
Math 70 (formerly 46) Tufts
Math 2331 Northeastern
Math 21b Harvard