Spring 2025 Student Jobs in Mathematics
Help us with our teaching this Spring! We offer several positions each semester, each requiring varying time commitments and levels of mastery. We look forward to hearing from you!
The student job application form will reopen in April.
Important Deadlines
- UTA applications are due by or before November 30th
- All other applications are due January 15th. However, we continue to review incoming applications until all positions are filled.
Requirements for all Positions
- A grade of A or A+ in the class and, in more advanced subjects, proven mastery of the material
- If you have a “PE” grade for a course you’re interested in supporting, we will ask your instructor to vouch that you did A level work
- Attend teacher training workshops as provided and required by Math’s Academic Services
- Ethical and professional conduct, i.e. meeting responsibilities in a conscientious and timely manner, respecting student confidentiality (concerning grades, personal information, etc.), and treating students and staff with courtesy and respect
- All jobs are expected to be conducted on campus
Job Descriptions
Graders are always needed for Math’s service subjects, which include 18.01, 18.02, 18.02A, 18.022, 18.03, 18.032, 18.06, and 18.C06. Several of our higher-level courses need graders as well.
- Graders grade problem/homework sets in a timely manner
- Time commitment: 5-10 hours/week
- Pay rate: $16/hour for service subjects (listed above) and $18/hour for all other courses
- Provide drop-in tutoring assistance in our service subjects - Calculus, Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra — and any other Course 18 subjects in which you have demonstrated expertise
- Tutoring experience is helpful but not required
- More info on the Learning Center Website
- Time commitment: minimum of 4 hours/week
- Pay rate:$19/hour
In addition to grading problem sets, UA’s may be required to do one or more of the following:
- Hold office hours and problem set/review sessions as a sort of “unofficial recitation” for courses that do not have official recitations
- Serve as a “writing coach” for a CI-M
- Assist with online learning materials (e.g. monitoring questions on Piazza)
- Other faculty/student support as needed
- Time commitment: 5-10 hours/week, depending on course
- Pay rate: $19/hour
- Teach two hour-long recitation sections a week for 18.02, 18.03, 18.06, or 18.600.
- Perform all other typical recitation leader duties: Grade some p-sets, hold office hours and review sessions, and help grade exams.
- MUST be able to participate in teacher training workshop shortly before the start of fall classes.
- Ideal candidates are juniors/seniors with previous tutoring experience (such as working in the MLC) and exceptional math skills
- Time Commitment: 8-12 hours/week
- Pay rate: a flat rate of $4000 for the term
You can find more information for the UROP program on the UROP Page