18.310A Principles of Discrete Applied Mathematics

When and where: The class meets on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10AM to 11AM in 4-149.

Instructor: Michel Goemans, room E17-322. Office hours: Thu 2:45PM-3:45PM.

Teaching Assistant: Francisco Unda, funda@mit.edu, office E18-301V. Office hour on Tue and Thu from 11:30-12:30 (E18-301V).

This page: http://math.mit.edu/~goemans/18310S15/18310.html

This course is an introduction to discrete applied mathematics. The topics presented are generally grouped into units covering between one and two weeks. These units include discrete probability, counting, sorting, RSA and modular arithmetic, data compression, linear programming, and error correcting codes. A tentative schedule will be posted. Lecture notes will be posted here. Note that unlike previous semesters, this is not a CI-M course.

Grading: The grade will be made up of problem sets (30%), a 3-hour final exam during finals week (40%) and two 50-minute in-class quizzes (15% each). Your lowest problem set score will not count. Quiz dates: Mon March 9, 2015 and Wed Apr 15, 2015.


Late policy: It is possible to hand them in late, with a 10% decrease in your grade, until 6PM the next day, in which case you must email your assignment in PDF format to goemans@math.mit.edu.

Collaboration Policy. Collaboration on homework is permitted, but you must write the solutions yourself; no copying is allowed. At the top of your homework, list:

We ask that you not refer to solutions from previous incarnations of the course, or from solution banks.
