- April 25: Talk begins at 5pm
- David Nadler (Northwestern)
- Topic TBA
- Followed by dinner
- April 11:
- R. Parthasarathy (Tata Institute)
- On quantum analogues of coherent families of modules at roots of 1
- Followed by dinner
- March 28, April 4: NO MEETINGS
- March 21:
- Dan Barbasch (Cornell)
- The unitary spherical dual of
quasisplit groups and primitive ideals
- Followed by dinner
- December 20:
- JuLee Kim (MIT)
Supercuspidal representations II
- December 13:
- JuLee Kim (MIT)
Supercuspidal representations I
- December 6:
- Roman Bezrukavnikov (MIT)
Tensor categories and character sheaves (after Finkelberg and Ostrik)
- November 22:
- Possible observance of Thanksgiving holiday
- November 15:
- Ben Brubaker (MIT)
On Some Applications of Lie Group Representations to Number Theory
- November 8:
- Ju-Lee Kim (MIT and UIC)
Classification of smooth representations of p-adic groups
- October 25:
- Alexander Braverman (Brown University)
- Pursuing the double affine Grassmannian
- Followed by dinner
- October 18:
- George Lusztig (MIT)
- Intertwining operators over finite fields
- September 27:
- Bertram Kostant (MIT)
- On a theorem of Harm Derksen and further progress on the determination of U(g)K.
- September 20:
- George Lusztig (MIT)
- Sheaves on G/P