MIT Lie Groups Seminar 2002-03

MIT Lie Groups Seminar

Wednesdays at 4:30 in Room 2-132

Archives: 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02

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All seminars marked with an asterisk were followed by a seminar dinner.

September 4: Peter Trapa (Utah/Harvard), Restrictions on characteristic cycles of Harish-Chandra modules (Part 1). abstract

September 11: Peter Trapa (Utah/Harvard), Restrictions on characteristic cycles of Harish-Chandra modules (Part 2).

September 18: Maxim Vybornov (MIT), Quiver varieties and infinite Grassmannians of type A (joint with Ivan Mirkovic). abstract

September 25: V. Lakshmibai (Northeastern), A standard monomial basis for the variety of nilpotent matrices. (This seminar is a joint meeting with the combinatorics seminar and will meet at 4:15 in 2-338.) abstract

October 2: Konni Rietsch* (King's College London), Total positivity and the Peterson variety.

October 9: David Vogan (MIT), Shimura correspondence for spherical representations of split real groups. abstract

October 16: Dan Barbasch* (Cornell University), Affine graded Hecke algebras and the spherical unitary dual for real reductive groups. abstract

October 23: Michael Shapiro (Michigan State), Cluster algebras and Poisson geometry. (This seminar is a joint meeting with the combinatorics seminar and will meet at 4:15 in 2-338.) abstract

October 30: Pavle Pandzic* (Zagreb), Dirac cohomology and u cohomology. abstract

November 6: James Arthur* (Toronto), Representations of classical groups.

November 13: Greg Warrington* (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and counterexamples to the 0-1 conjecture. (This seminar is a joint meeting with the combinatorics seminar but will meet at the usual time and place, 4:30 in 2-147.) abstract

November 20: No meeting this week.

November 27*: Marty Weissman (Harvard), The Fourier-Jacobi Map and Small Representations.

December 4: Benedict Gross (Harvard), The exceptional series and its descendants.

December 11: Viktor Ostrik (MIT), Non-semisimple tensor categories.

February 5*: George McNinch (Notre Dame), Arithmetic nilpotent orbits for reductive groups in positive characteristic. abstract

February 12*: Alexander Braverman (Harvard), From automorphic sheaves to Drinfeld shtukas (joint work with Y.Varshavsky). abstract

February 19: Bertram Kostant (MIT), Recent developments on powers of the Dedekind function and representation theory. abstract

February 26*: Angela Pasquale (Technische Universitat Clausthal), Harmonic analysis of Theta-spherical functions.

March 5*: Alexander Polishchuk (Boston University), Spherical vectors in minimal representations.

March 12: David Vogan (MIT), A blip in the Shimura correspondence for F4 (joint with Dan Barbasch). abstract

March 19*: Gordan Savin (Utah), Correspondences of representations of real groups arising from Arthur packets

March 26: No meeting (Spring Break).

April 2: No meeting.

April 9: Alan Roche (Oklahoma), Hecke algebras and representations of reductive p-adic groups. abstract This seminar will meet at 3pm in 2-132!

April 16: George Lusztig (MIT), Conjugacy classes in the DeConcini-Procesi compactification.

April 23: Pavel Etingof (MIT), Representations of Cherednik algebras. abstract

April 30*: Shrawan Kumar (North Carolina), An induction functor in non-commutative equivariant cohomology and Dirac cohomology.

May 7*: Oleg Chalykh (Loughborough University), Quasi-invariants of Weyl groups and an elementary proof of Macdonald's conjectures. abstract

May 14: No meeting.

May 21: Roger Zierau* (Oklahoma State), The Dirac operator on reductive homogeneous spaces.

Seminar contact: David Vogan (