Wednesday, May 18 at 4:30 in 2-143:
Michel Duflo* (University of Paris VII),(Scroll down for the complete schedule.)
All seminars marked with an asterisk are followed by a seminar dinner.
September 15:
Pavel Etingof (MIT),
Hochschild cohomology of preprojective algebras.
September 22:
Xuhua He (MIT),
The total positivity of the De Concini-Procesi compactification.
September 29 and October 6:
Dan Ciubotaru (MIT),
Iwahori-spherical unitary representations for p-adic groups.
October 13: No meeting.
October 20:
Joel Kamnitzer* (Berkeley),
Mirkovic-Vilonen Cycles and Polytopes.
October 27:
Eric Sommers* (UMass Amherst),
Exponents for ideals of positive roots.
(This seminar is a joint meeting with the combinatorics seminar and
will meet at 4:15 in 2-338.)
November 3:
Roman Bezrukavnikov* (Northwestern),
Cohomology of tilting modules over quantum groups at roots of unity.
November 10:
Marie-France Vigneras* (Paris VII and Harvard),
The p-adic Langlands program and affine Hecke algebras.
November 17:
Pablo Ramacher* (Humboldt University and Northeastern),
Harmonic analysis on affine G-varieties.
November 24:
Eric Raines (UC Davis),
BC_n-symmetric polynomials.
(This seminar is a joint meeting with the combinatorics seminar and
will meet at 4:15 in 2-338.)
December 1:
Bertram Kostant (MIT),
The Coxeter element and the branching law for finite subgroups
of SU(2).
December 8:
David Vogan (MIT),
Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture and signatures of Hermitian forms.
February 2:
Alexei Oblomkov (MIT),
Symmetric spaces and orthogonal polynomials in the classical and
quantum cases.
February 9:
Wee Liang Gan (MIT),
Reflection functors for deformed wreath products of preprojective algebras.
February 16:
Shrawan Kumar* (UNC),
On the Cachazo-Douglas-Selberg-Witten conjecture for simple Lie algebras.
February 23:
Dan Ciubotaru (MIT),
Unitarity of generic spherical parameters and Weyl group representations.
March 2:
Xuhua He (MIT),
Unipotent variety in the group compactification.
March 9:
Bertram Kostant (MIT),
Gelfand-Zeitlin theory from the perspective of classical mechanics.
March 16:
David Vogan (MIT),
Homomorphisms between generalized Verma modules (after Hisayosi
March 23: No meeting.
March 30:
Hongyu He* (Georgia State University),
Invariant tensor products and unitary representations.
April 6:
George Lusztig (MIT),
Unipotent elements in small characteristic.
April 13, 20, 27: No meeting.
May 4:
David Vogan (MIT),
Hadi Salmasian's notion of rank for unitary representations
of simple groups.
May 11:
Jing-Song Huang* (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology),
Dirac cohomology and character index of Harish-Chandra
May 18:
Michel Duflo* (University of Paris VII),
Associated varieties for representations of Lie superalgebras.