All seminars marked with an asterisk were followed by a seminar dinner.
Friday, September 5:
Gerrit Heckman (University of Nijmegen),
Hypergeometric covers of linear arrangements.
September 10:
Yuval Roichman* (Bar Ilan University),
A unified construction of Coxeter Group Representations.
(This seminar is a joint meeting with the combinatorics seminar and
will meet at 4:15 in 2-338.)
September 17:
Alexander Postnikov (MIT),
Affine Weyl groups in K--theory and representation theory.
September 24:
Akshay Venkatesh (MIT),
Microlocal lifts for locally symmetric spaces. (Joint with L. Silberman.)
October 1:
Bertram Kostant (MIT),
Geometric quantization as classical Poisson bracket in two
dimensions higher, and the emergence of exceptional Lie groups
from classical coadjoint orbits. (Joint with Ranee Brylinski.)
October 8:
Vasiliy Dolgushev (MIT),
Equivariant Formality Theorem.
October 15:
Pavel Etingof (MIT),
Matrix valued Macdonald functions.
October 22:
Nolan Wallach* (UCSD),
Holomorphic continuation of generalized Jacquet integrals.
No meeting October 29, because of Serre's lecture in the Number Theory
seminar at Harvard.
November 5-12:
David Vogan (MIT),
Delorme's proof of Arthur's Paley-Wiener theorem.
November 19:
Tsachik Gelander* (Yale),
Homotopy type and volume of locally symmetric manifolds.
November 26:
Eric Rains* (UC Davis),
Vanishing integrals and symmetric spaces.
December 10:
George Lusztig (MIT),
A q-analogue of an identity of Wallach.
December 17:
David Kazhdan* (Hebrew University of Jerusalem),
Endoscopic decomposition of nilpotent distributions.
February 4:
Adam Koranyi* (CUNY),
Liouville-type theorems in parabolic geometry.
February 11:
Maxim Vybnorov (MIT),
A quiver for the BGG category $\cal O$: recent developments
and a combinatorial challenge.
(This seminar is a joint meeting with the combinatorics seminar and
will meet at 4:15 in 2-338.)
February 18:
Alexander Braverman* (Brown),
Instanton counting via affine Lie algebras.
(Partially joint with Finkelberg-Gaitsgory and Pavel Etingof.)
No meeting February 25, because of the Simons lectures.
March 3:
Bertram Kostant (MIT),
Orthogonal polynomials, Gelfand-Zetlin bases, and
the Gelfand-Kirillov conjecture.
(Joint with Nolan Wallach.)
March 10:
Ivan Cherednik* (University of North Carolina),
Diagonal coinvariants and double affine Hecke algebra.
March 17:
Paul Bressler* (University of Arizona),
Courant algebroids.
No meeting March 24.
March 31:
Jeff Adams* (University of Maryland),
Nonlinear covers of real groups.
No meeting April 7.
April 14:
Tara Holm* (UC Berkeley),
Equivariant cohomology of the based loop group.
April 21:
Alexander Elashvili* (Georgian Academy of Sciences),
About the index of Lie algebras.
No meeting April 28,
because of Stanley's lecture in the combinatorics seminar.
May 5:
David Vogan (MIT),
Generic unitary representations of classical groups over
local fields (after Lapid, Muic, and Tadic).
May 12:
Michel Duflo (Paris VII)*,
On restriction of discrete series to subgroups of reductive groups.
(Joint with Jorge Vargas.)
May 19:
Catharina Stroppel (Aarhus)*,
Functorial knot invariants in representation theory.